I don't speak French but boy those things tickle my testes! Lookin' good my overseas brother! Obama '12! chant FOUR MORE YEARS /chant
Bruno, Merci pour les photos du Champs-Élysée. I was last in Paris this spring, before they had any information on the 2010 Prius, but they were adamant with me that they would not get any in 2009, and not until March 2010. As I was following every step on this car in the US, I knew it was B.S. They have a great location on that street, and their storefront is immense.
En regardant les photos, je suis fasciné par la France: quand une entreprise japonaise vend des voitures à Paris, les panneaux et légendes sont soit en anglais seulement ou bilingues... Il semble qu'il vaut mieux, quand on vit à Paris, acheter une voiture japonaise en anglais qu'en français! Je sais, je sais, il n'y a qu'un Québécois pour relever ce genre de «détail»... ------------------ Looking at the pictures, I'm really fascinated by France: when a Japanese company sells cars in Paris, labels and signs are either only english or bilingual... Seems that when you live in Paris, it is better to buy a japanese car in English than in French!
C'est certain qui ne parle pas le francais au Quebec/ C'est uniquement du Canadien! (They don't speak French in Canada, it's Canadian!):fencing:
I've never seen a cutaway vehicle like that anywhere. Is is a piece of artwork, or an actual vehicle?
lol.... talk about identity crisis.... What about a smart? It's a German car, designed by a Swiss, made in France and powered by a Japanese engine.
Good catch! I don't think that's available! The "Lounge" is the only one with LED headlights. Et pour les options, voir au-dessous "Toit ouvrant solaire (intègre la climatisation télécommandée à distance et entraîne le passage des jantes 17" aux jantes 15")" Alors, c'est modèle qui est montrée n'existe pas.