Very sad, TJ was a great and long-time contributor here. Let us all learn from his lessons about the terrible toll diabetes can have on one. Sorry to here this terrible sad news.
You guys are right. He definitely touched the lives of many people. I've never met anyone who could so quickly relate and befriend so many different individuals. Inasmuch as diabetes tends to affect many body systems, I guess you could say his passing was connected to it. Yes, he was having trouble breathing. He wasn't feeling ill, but it was obvious he had diminished lung capacity. We had dinner together yesterday (Tuesday), and although he wasn't feeling real good then, he felt better after eating. We went back to his house where we (me, TJ, Ellen, Keith, 3 dogs and 3 cats) had a nice three hour conversation touching on health, wealth, life and death. I mentioned that I would not be surprised if his surgery was postponed until he felt better. His oral surgery was planned for this morning. I do not have a full timeline of the event. I know he was put under sedation in preparation for the surgery, and he never woke up. Heart attack was the cause. I know TJ loved life, but I also know how much he hated his illness. When the subject came up (including last night), he always made it clear that he preferred either good health or death. For him, a life of sickness was not an option. I miss my friend, and I'm still having trouble wrapping my brain around the fact that I shall never see him again. But I do know one thing that gives me cause for peace: Wherever he is and whatever he is doing, he is no longer sick. And that makes me smile a bit.
Goodbye TJ Today, learning this, I had to step away from the keyboard. I am personally saddened by TJ not being among us. And I will miss him. I will miss his wit, his dignity, his admission of fragility, and the balance he sought in living with what many call their faith. I feel fortunate to have had the moments I have on this forum to get to share with him thoughts on life, on love, on faith, and on cars. Goodbye TJ
And goodbye Jack....not a good day.
June '08. At this time, TJ was missing part of his foot, but he was not yet suffering through his other problems. I'm sure a doctor can tell you more, but evidently diabetes can hit and hit hard. Here he is. Grinning as usual.
+n on the condolences to TJ's family. I am truly saddened to hear the news. I will miss TJ's contributions and his positive outlook. The world lost a good kind soul today.
Noticed that TJ posted a cartoon on 'The Political Cartoon of the Day" tread on Tuesday night. Kept his sense of humor right up to the end! RIP
I read and went Wth???? I just talked to him like barely two weeks ago !!! I helped him setup to get some money and even sent him some for his medication & such. I had no idea he was so far gone ! He really kept the seriousness of his situation from us. He inspired me to go on a diet to lose weight to avoid Type 2 adult diabetes, and was planning on telling him today...this is so sad. Rest In Peace, Friend.
TJ's presence here will definitely be missed. He had one of the best, and most quirky, senses of humor of anyone here. My condolences to his family.
I am so sorry to hear of TJ's death. What an awesome guy he was.....always smiling... From one Mustang lover to in peace my man!!...
I am just really sad about TJ. More than almost anyone else whose posts I read, I really had a sense of him as a person. Over on FHofPol, before he stopped posting there, he managed to come across as a real, living human being and not just a set of 'opinions,' like so many others. He just naturally drew others to him, it seems, and I'm sure he has plenty of family and many, many friends IRL who are devastated right now. If anyone here is in touch with his family, please give them my condolences.
A man I never met but I felt like I knew. I know he will be sorely missed. Hard to type with tears in your eyes. My heart goes out to his family and his on line family. There was a lot of love to TJ in this group.
I just discovered this thread this morning. I'll miss him. If someone is tabulating condolences for his family, be sure to include mine. TJ was good people. :hug:
So sorry to hear of his passing. He did have a great sense of humor. I had thought that there was a level of concern in some of his recent posts but did not think it was that serious. It is a great loss.