Yeah ... Or, had there been a car traveling the opposite direction in the lane we skidded across. We'd be talking a whole different ballgame then. We are definitely lucky the circumstances were what they were.
:welcome: I am very glad that you are all OK, that's the most important thing. So sorry to hear of your problems. In my opinion, it can be totalled as most of the airbags deployed, and those are pretty costly to replace. Othrwise, it does not look so bad - the salvage value of the car would be pretty high. In your place, I would definitely press my insurance company to write it off - but if they refuse, it can be repaired and driven without too much worries, I would say. I hope you will enjoy Priuschat and remain a member despite the unlucky reason you registered for . Good luck and hope you will get a new car and enjoy it for years to come. Please would you keep us informed how the things are going?
Yes! I'll let you all know how it turns out. Also, the plan (provided the car is totaled) is for us to purchase another exactly like it, so I will have good reason to stick around on the forum! Thanks for your response!
Sorry about the accident...Glad your ok. I can't tell enough and am no expert but the rear drivers area seems to have the most physical damage.That may be repairable, but if the Hybrid System was damaged in any extent I may think it would not be repairable, and you have to consider the frame, etc. I would wait to see what they find and if over a certain amount of damage and $$$, you may want to push for the Total. Keep up posted....
What insurance company do you have (If I can ask?) ? I know that some are much better than others in getting a 'totalled' car officially totalled. While the damage seems extensive, I have seen worse cars only get fixed, leaving the owner several thousand in the hole, or with a less than perfect new car to deal with. I hope that they work to get you a new car though. Please keep us posted. (Above all, I am glad that your family is okay).
There's one way that you can almost ensure that your car is declared totalled. Assuming you're filing the claim with the other driver's insurance, you have a right to claim the diminished value of your car, since it's not worth as much once it's fixed as it was before the accident. If you mention to their insurance company that you will be hiring a professional to put in a diminished value claim, they will know to expect to pay several thousand dollars for that, plus the repair costs, so they'll likely just total it instead. This doesn't work if you're going through your own insurance company, because they don't have to pay diminished value claims. I'm getting my car back this week after $19.9k in damage (yes, I know it should have been's a long story), and the diminished value is going to be several thousand dollars less than the original value. The other driver's insurance is going to be on the hook for writing me a check once I put in the claim (although I'd rather just have a new car).
i have to dig it up, but my 2004 Pri i had a truck turn left in front of me and i tried to avoid them and missed by an inch. they basically creased the car all the way down one side. no airbag deployment but still required replacement of all the panels. it was totaled. just barely but totaled. you have air bag deployment which is a $5-7,000 fix in itself. probable frame damage since frame strength is front to back, not side to side. so ya, it will be totaled a few times.
Hi Erinmck32, I too am glad to see no one in the car was seriously injured and you're getting good suggestions about a thorough medical to be sure there is no unseen injuries. Something I saw in another thread that you might want to keep in mind and assertively discuss with the insurance company adjustor is the Hybrid electrical connections. I recall a post that when the car is jarred as much as yours has been, the chance of long term electrical system and connection problems that are intermittent, thus difficult to diagnose and more difficult to repair is very high. --TK
Yes, we are all thankful, too! And I've had to keep reminding myself through all the follow-up hassle that it could have been a whole lot worse! We have Nationwide, the party at fault has Grange. (My husband tries to save us money by going online / through the call center ... we had a similar issue recently with ING Direct, who we used to bank with ... customer service is just a nightmare these days! But that is a rant for another time and another forum ... After this we're going to find a LOCAL agent! I'm not saying there aren't good, competent people working at Nationwide ... But the good, competent people are needles in a haystack.) Anyway, the guy should make his way out to actually look at the car today or tomorrow at the latest, so I'll give you all the update. Thanks for the input!
I'm glad you pointed that out ... Our other car is a 98 (?) Grand Prix. It has more electrical than a lot of cars had at the time. It had some water damage from a seal leak while it was still under warranty. None of the mechanics I took it to at that time, including those at the dealer, could find the water leak and acted like I was crazy (it was coming in where the windshield meets the car's roof). AFTER the car was no longer under warranty, all the electrical went totally berserk as a result of the water and is still completely screwed up to this day. If they say they're not going to total it, I will DEFINITELY demand some assurance that the electrical is okay. We'll see what happens!
Thanks for sharing your experience with us. I'm very glad to hear you guys are doing well and that no one was seriously hurt. You've received a number of great suggestions, and I hope you are in a position to follow-up on them. My recommendations: Don't rely on the insurance company's adjuster. Go to a reliable independent for an estimate. If the shop is reliable, it won't try to give you a low number just so the repair goes to that shop. Instead, you hope to find someone who'll give you the real word sooner, rather than later. Read up on the story of phartin, who posted earlier in this thread. phartin created a thread of his own story, and I think it is WELL worth the reading. Here is the link: Reconsidering warranty after repairs
Okay, thank you so much for your suggestions. Definitely good advice to follow. I read phartin's thread, and it makes me even more firm on demanding a total. I'm really hoping it doesn't come down to a protracted argument with the agency, and that their adjuster takes one look and declares it totaled ... But I will have someone else look at it, too. Thanks again!
Hi Phartin, I read the story of your accident in your thread. What a major pain!! How's the car doing now after all the repairs? Have you had to use that warranty?
I would tell you how the car is doing after the repairs, but unfortunately I don't have it back yet. It's been in the shop since August 13th. The shop is waiting on one more minor part for the glove box and then it'll be done. I hired a professional diminished value appraiser to come out and determine the diminished value and also to do a post-repair inspection to make sure the repairs were completed correctly. He's coming out today, so unless he finds something they fixed wrong, I should get my car back in the next couple days.
Thankfully the at-fault party has insurance! These days you're lucky if they do. Since the other party is at-fault, keep in mind that they they should be offering you a rental car also. Usually they will do that to keep you happy. I looked up the state financial responsility limit for Ohio and it looks like it is only 12.5/25/7.5 which is pretty low. I hope that if your car is totalled that they have more than the state min for the property damage. If not, you'll have to file for the rest under your collision. Do NOT sign any releases for BI at this point-even if you don't think you were hurt! Sometimes it takes a week or so for a neck ach or something like that to appear. Wait a couple of months to make sure no one has anything crop up. The damage looks pretty bad. Hope they total it. Keep us posted!
Our Prius was totaled, which is good news. We're in a bit of a battle with the insurance company nevertheless, not so good. Now it's time to do the "locate a black, III Prius" exercise all over again. Thanks again for all your input! See you on here again soon!
Glad things went your way. Didn't think it was going to be easy thats for sure. Thanks for reporting back, chat at you soon.
:Cry: Another Prius taken before its time. So sad. :thumb: I'm glad to hear that you will not be driving around in a repaired vehicle. I am one who believes that they are never the same after something like that.