Found a nice 2008 with 34,000 miles for $16k. Has leather, but no Navigation. I like how you do not have to put the key, or keyblock in to start the car. Also like that the car opens for you when you put your hand in front of the door handle. I wanted a dark silver, but I ended up with the light silver. Is it me, or are these tail lights pretty dim with the red bulbs? I really like the HID headlights. First car with them, what a difference from regular halogen lights. My son called me from my F-150 that my wife was driving behind me, told me that Jeff Dunham was right, I'm ghey. I just had to laugh. :biggrin1:
congratulations :thumb: i have a 2008 as well you're better off without the nav and buying your own the toyo nav drives me crazy
Congrats on the new-to-you Prius! I have an '06 in the silver. I also like the dark gray better, but I bought what was available and got a good deal. The silver is OK, but made coming up with graphics difficult because of the contrast (the graphics really stand out). To me, the LED brakelights work pretty good, as do the running lights at night. The HIDs are a good-thing-bad-thing - they work much better than the standard lights (mine does not have HID and it's one of my only complaints) but there have been problems with them (do a search and you will find lots of posts).
I own a non-ghey Explorer. It gets really shitty mileage. I would rather drive the ghey car. :madgrin:
Working for the Armed services, I got such a ration of crap today when I pulled up. One guy came up and tried to grab my crotch to make sure I still had my nads. Amazing what a car can do, but when it was lunch time we piled into the car and for 4 guys, there is plenty of room.
Not off to a good start. Car got towed to the dealership from work today. Went to go home and the would not move. I smelled some tranny fluid when I approached the car, but thought it was the old chevy monte carlo next to it. Could not see anything since I was parked in a gravel parking lot. Motor would rev, but nothing. Checked the tranny fluid and it was not even on the dipstick. Called the dealership and they had to nerve to ask me if I damaged the car. They put me into a new scion xb for a loaner. Will see what the deal is, I have a 72 hour return policy that will expire tomorrow. I am not happy right now. My wife wants me to bail on it, not a good start, what do you guys think?
Wait and see what the prognosis is. Tell them to throw in a full coverage warranty if you take it back (probably won't, but it's worth a try).
The car was certified, so it has a 100k warranty. Anyone ever unwound a deal before? My wife is very upset right now, she was not for me getting a second vehicle as it is. I will have to sleep on it.
There is no dipstick for the transaxle. The only dipstick is for engine oil. Doesn't sound good, but I would want to hear what they say.
Got a call just a few minutes ago. Said the bands need to be replaced and thepressure valve is blown. I told them to unwind the deal. They said come in, we can talk about it. I told him, nope, by the time I get off work, my 72 hours is up, unwind it or I am going to call JAG, and get an attorney involved. I have to take the rest of the day off to return their rental and have my wife come pick me up. What a nightmare. My F-150 has 80k on it and never had a issue like this, this car must of been rolled hard and put away wet. Can't wait to see the cluster of crap they give me when I walk in.
That is the biggest line of crap I have ever heard. No bands, no pressure valve (whatever that is supposed to be). The Prius transaxle is essentially a differential with two electric motors to handle the "shifting". Is that really what they told you, or are you trying to pull our leg(s)?
That is what they told me. I have yet to go to the dealer, leaving in about 30 minutes. I will be sure to ask them about it. Now you have me really thinking, I am definatly going to unwind this crap deal. Anyone ever deal with Hendrick Toyota before? Do they do stuff like this all the time?
Those guys are so FOS it incredible. The vehicle has planetary gearsets and is a CVT so the case is cracked or one of the coolant lines blew out. Return the car and force the issue. It sounds like that car was pushed really hard and that's why it was traded in.
Personally, you're making me happy I didn't head over there to pick out a car . I ended up at Go Automotive (just a bit northeast of there) instead. Also, why is it that you never hear "good" things happen in fayetteville??
If they told you that, then a) they are lying sacks of sh!t and b) they are totally clueless about the car If they are willing to make up that story, you could never trust them to properly fix the car. Good luck man.
I sensed a troll from the first post and perhaps I am wrong, but I doubt he is really even be capable of driving a Prius because it doesn't over-compensate for something the same way that an F-150 can especially if its a 4WD Crew Cab w/ the long bed sitting on a lift kit with a set of 32 inch mud tires. I say its also likely that he is jealous of one of his co-workers choice of cars, likely one of his bosses or an officer in his case. Just my opinion.