Reminds me of my favorite sushi. Uni or Sea urchin It has the look and texture of pudding,with the flavor of the sea. Fish pudding. Its an acquired taste.
great ound:ound: I go telling em that and I'll be under the magnifying glass for sure Bra... Oh another couple... Chocolate pudding and jello...
You eat the latter... :suspicious: like a salad tosser or something... :fear::spit::crazy::hand: Sorry Bra... not the thing I could endorse... totally unsanitary, unless you're a religious purger of teh Butt, since it appears you are a bottom, what two strange FOODS do you like to eat in your bowl... I'm just asking... if you haven't been given permission to answer, you don't have too.
At school we would pick the insides out of a bread roll and stuff it with cheese twisties, yummo!! The roll and the twisties have to be fresh. + = yummo!
The latest thing in State Fair fare is deep fried butter (I just heard about this stuff this morning on XM Channel 6). Take a ball of butter the size of a golf ball, freeze it, cover it in bread dough and deep fat fry it. Man, I can feel my arteries hardening just THINKING about this stuff! What's next? Buttered Lard? Pork Fat Cheese Curls? Maybe we should put high-trans-fat oil in an IV and just mainline the stuff!
Lewis, the the "deep fry" capital of the world, I thought I had heard of just about everything. This one is off the hook!!! Is it "real butter" that they use???....
Tuna Gravy on Rice Chex* You make a standard white sauce, mix in a can of drained tuna, and serve it on a bowl of Rice Chex. *Disclaimer: I was given this recipe by some very nice Mennonite ladies in Mississippi.
Yep, the Real Thing! check it out!
Eat banana and then drink Coke. You will taste Coke in a new refreshing taste. Come to think of it, they should make that flavor! Coke with banana.
that does sound like a good combo. hard to believe that it has not been tried yet. Coke has gone thru so many marketing gimmicks.