I just performed exploratory surgery on my car. I had two objectives: 1. Find a wire that goes to the ACC relay 2. Find the wire that controls the hatch release (see this thread) I want an ACC power wire to power a garage door opener remote (which will be stuffed behind the panel and have a button in one of my blank slots). That way, if someone breaks into my car, they don't also have access to my garage unless they also turn on the car. Sadly, I couldn't find one during this mission. I did find the hatch release though. It's the wire that connects to the hatch switch to the Main Body ECU. If you short that pin to ground, it's as if you've pressed the hatch release button. I tested it, but I didn't install a switch yet. Some of my pictures are annotated with the names that the TIS schematics use for the connectors.
There's one that's VERY easy to get to, right behind the upper panel you removed. It's in the connector that goes to the remote mirror switches. It's the long, 10-pin white connector (L18). The gray wire going into pin 8 is an ACC feed that is used for the headlight cleaner. This would also be a good circuit to select, because it's seldom used, and it's right next to the switch "blanks". Hope this helps.
Could you kindly go into a bit more detail on how the panel came off (snapped in? - Were those two screws all you need?)? TIA!
You have to remove all 3 panels (they overlap). Start at the door runner and work your way up. 1. The door runner has clips, so you can just pry it off (be careful not to break the clips). 2. The lower cowl has a thumb screw next to the parking brake. Remove it and pry the cowl off (also has clips). 3. Remove the screw on the lower left of the dash panel then carefully pry the panel off. Be careful not to yank any of the wires that are connected to the buttons/switches. The hood release doesn't need to come off of the panel to get it out of the way.
I just got finished with installing my garage door remote and did more exploring. This time, I opened up the passenger side. A word of caution: when you take the lower cowl off, be careful of the blue plastic clips that hold it on. I lost one of mine on the passenger side. The lower one was stuck to the body when I pulled the panel off. So while I was trying to wrestle it back in, the upper one popped off and flew into the dash somewhere. I've got pictures of my adventure, but I wasn't able to ID the connectors this time.