. Update with 2 close up photos A three foot key line on the engine hood. Do I need to repair it? How much am I looking at? The indent is not too deep. While it has changed from blue to white and can feel the line with my hand, I don't think it has exposed the aluminium. scratch close up 100809t.jpg photo - ystasino photos at pbase.com scratch whole 100809.jpg photo - ystasino photos at pbase.com These photos are small, if you click original you will get a 13 MP close-up photo. I read posts about going to an auto paint shop and have them mix paint and make clearcoat for me. What do you suggest? Thanks, Yiannis
The aluminum hood won't rust, if that's what you were asking. Probably costs a few hundred to have it refinished nicely.
Yeah I think some moron keyed 2 of my doors (1 foot deep white scar on the side of my car) too. It's for sure down to the base primer not sure about what to do about it.
Mine, I think, was keyed yesterday also, but it's white. A friend of mine has a civic hybrid and hers was keyed too. Must be a hybrid haters....
Really sorry to hear about your misfortune. Too many low-life morons around; no respect for other people's property.
Man, it really miffs me when jerks stoop so low as to key someone else's car. And I don't care whose fault it may be, its just wrong. I was keyed once after fighting and winning a parking spot. Can they not comprehend that, "Darn, I lost a parking spot, it'll take me 10 mins to find another. If I key this car, it'll be there forever and probably cost at least $100 to fix and it'll still never be the way it was before." Sure, I can even put myself in his shoes and think that its a possibility that losing the parking spot caused him to be late to wherever he was rushing to get to. But seriously, who's fault is it for being late by not accounting for the additional time it takes to find parking in the big city? People can't seem to find blame in themselves anymore. Sad. Sorry bout your car man.
My condolences. I often have a fleeting concern when I leave my car in the morning walking into work, wondering what I will return to. This really sucks.
You too? Seriously, Wth? Is it some kind of hybrid hate? Just today, someone scratched the hell out of my door. Paint pen to the rescue.
Re: You too? No, people just key cars. I have had my Mustang keyed as well. I have seen kids go through parking lots doing it to multiple cars once (and I reported it to no avail).
Find a local air brush touch place. They do a decent job and you can't tell the difference. It will cost less than the body shop.