The PDF applies to the "Generation 4 and 5" Nav systems, but we have "Generation 6" (2010) Nav hardware. However, we might assume that the Generation 6 improvements are the same. From this, there are no changes mentioned for the software, just some POI swaps and some addition of roads. No real indication of how complete the road coverage is, unless the 5.4 million miles vs 2.8 million miles means 52% USA coverage, or something like that ... but what exactly?
My parts department has it on order since 9-21-09. They called a couple of days ago and said not to expect 9.1 disk until the middle of October.
Does the 9.1 Nav Update "pdf" indicate that you will have better coverage in your "area"? How much is your dealer charging you for the 9.1 gen6 NavDVD?
I'd try another dealer, many have the disc and I ordered mine today and it's on it's way for tomorrow...
200 bucks? Honda is asking $130 for an DVD update for my Honda Odyssey Nav... I guess i will just keep using my Garmin on it...
My bad. Not for the Prius. I have feeling dealers who are willing to sell in the 200 dollar range and will ship is going to get a lot of business. At least one of my dealers mentioned 300 bucks. I won't pay full price. --Mickey
Yes, some places are wanting $299, I think. Even at $35, there is some question if a person will see any changes. Coverage is still spotty, but marginally improved, at least in some specific towns. Read the "pdf" linked above to see if the changes are likely to help you. For example, changes in the eastern states might not help those who just travel in the west. But, it all depends upon where you might drive. For comparison, I just bought a Magellan 1412 Max: 4.3" screen portable GPS, with TTS and (presumably "all") the roads in the 50 states and Canada, for $80 at ... and a Navigon 2100 for $90 with "all" of the 48 states and lifetime traffic (both reconditioned). But, to be fair, all the GPS systems that I have used (over 10 types) have some imperfections in the data (maps and POI) and in the software implementation. But, my Prius Nav is the biggest screen I have, nicely built in, well integrated, harder to steal, and ... only costs about $1700 more.
Have you tried Garmins? My first portable was a Tomtom and I did not like it. I think Garmins are ahead of competitors in overall quality. I really like my Garmin 780 and I paid about $300 for it including lifetime map updates in a sale on Amazon, and of course, with software updates included in every model. The value of portables cannot be beat. Any factory NAV has a very high price tag compared to portables. Just the map updates of factory NAVs cost as much as the best Garmin models for instance. Having said that, factory NAVs do have their advantages as we all know. In my Honda Odyssey, everyone in my family likes to use the Garmin instead (even though we have the factory NAV on it) because it is a lot better and much easier to use. I do use the NAV screen a lot to play with the different sound options, so it is not a complete waste, it is just a very expensive convenience, but the Odyssey that I wanted forced me to get the NAV.
This isn't directed at any single one response BUT: I'm probably in the minority here but I'm getting tired of all the "my Garmin does this, my TomTom does that" comments on threads specific to the Prius Nav system. If you like talking so much about your portable nav, then start a thread for it, go to another forum or start a thread about the virtues of the portables vs the built in Nav. If you can't respond to the OP with a comment related to the Nav System specifically on the Prius, don't respond! I just find all the off topic responses distracting and a little irritating.
+1 More than a little irritating, and thank you for speaking up. It's especially annoying to those of us that are subscribed to thread and get emails about updates only to find it was another random person telling us how much better their XXX nav is. This thread was supposed to be about the Ver9.1 update for the Prius NAV system. All these other vaguely nav-related posts are way out of place.
Well, the hope by users who unfavorably compare the Prius NAV system to a portable Garmin or portable Tom Tom is that Toyota (they read these posts) will eventually come up with better mapping software and more complete maps. That's my hope too.
Your post came right after my post, so the argument "isn't directed at any single one response" was very sarcastic, wasn't it! If you were honestly not thinking about my previous post when you wrote it, then disregard the comments bellow please. I was just suggesting a Garmin to "garygid" as he or she seems to have problems with other portables. And, of course, I see no harm in making a comment on the valuable of portables, afterwards, many have asked this same question before in this very same forum, so what's wrong with it? If you just want to hear how nice the Prius NAV is, maybe you should read to dealer stories, not the forum. If you are tired of it, why bother to even read the posts? Somehow, some people who paid the extra cash for the NAV and is now forced to pay the absurd charges for updates are getting tired, but why? I cannot understand this....
The point I believe dk2463 and rachaelseven were making, which I totally agree with, is that all of these forums serve their purpose better when the posts stick to the topic rather than require everyone to sift through post after post after post about why the factory NAV is a piece of junk, or how much better they like their Garmin, TomTom, or whatever. It would be beneficial to all to stick to the topic - which was on the 9.1 update to the NAV! Not Garmin, not TomTom, not how useless the Honda (?!) NAV is, etc., etc., etc. [stepping off soap box now]:focus:
Jim, I do understand your point - but don't you think those discussions and purpose are better served by, for example, a separate thread, perhaps entitled "Gen III NAV a piece of junk?" or something similar? That would probably be a lot more focused, and grab Toyota's attention a bit more, don't you think? :focus: