I saw a Prius for sale that had one, and it looked very nice. I didn't get a chance to ask the owner who made the seat cover. Any inputs? If you are asking why, I just want to minimize the dust inside the car, as I would like to keep it as clean as possible. Also looking for anyone that can get the steering wheel leather wrapped.
I think quite a few have installed aftermarket leather seat covers, including several people in this thread http://priuschat.com/forums/prius-modifications/60887-bartlett-corporation-leather-ebay-150-a.html, who during the past month or so have installed or are still installing them themselves (DIY). I think most who have installed aftermarket leather seat covers, have had them installed by professional auto upholsterers. Some popular aftermarket brands include Katzkins and Roadwire.
Right, Boo, a few of us were crazy enough to do our own work. They all came out great (from what I've seen) but took about 25 man hours average. Those were Bartlett brand on a one-time-only overstock sale. I've heard Katzkins fit well, too. For the wheel, buy a wheelskin from the shop on this board and install it yourself. There are numerous posts on how to do it. I've done 4 or 5 of them (including my Prius) and although tiring, they're not technically difficult and I think the result is quite acceptible. If you have the money, search this board for the guy that is selling leather and wood aftermarket wheels from Japan (really high end, really incredible products!).
wondering how much it will add to the price of the car if it is worth it I would spend 300 on leather and 100$ on good wood trim...
I don't think it adds much if you pay an upholsterer to do it. For those who bought the Bartlett package for $150 and installed it themselves though, they'll probably see more for their money should they choose to sell their car.
I'm one of the $150 do-it-yourselfers. I didn't do it for resale, but it can't hurt! I can't remember from the Bartlett post - did you do your own?
I purchased one of the wood trim steering wheels and it is by far my most favorite upgrade....$325.00 and well worth it....
PriusLewis, I was one of the DIY'ers in that thread, but I still haven't done the front seats yet! Going to work on that this weekend... That steering wheel is fantastic. It almost demands a matching wood dash kit...
Try the passenger side first (you can always leave it out for a day or two if you need to). And watch out! There are some VERY sharp edges on the steel parts in the seat frame. I know, my DNA is permanently part of the interior of the seat (and it took a while to get the bleeding stopped so I could continue). Otherwise it is probably no worse than the back, and might be a bit easier. Pay close attention to the order you "button up" the hog rings on both the bottom and back - get it wrong and you have to cut them out since they have to go in in a certain order or you will block yourself from being able to get to the last ones. If you lived close I would be glad to consult!
Do these seat covers (leather aftermarket) go on OVER the fabric stock covers or do you remove the fabric ones? Question is, if you went to sell and the leather looked bad for any reason (worn, damaged, etc.) could you remove and have the like new fabric still there.
No, the fabric seat covers are removed first. I don't think the leather seat could ever look as bad as the Prius fabric does after a few years! I had Katskin heated leather seat covers put on my 2005 after 3 years. Made the car look like new! Having said that, it cost me $1500 to have them installed via the dealer and you will not recover more that $100-$150 on that. So only do it if you are going to hang on to the car.
I did my own leather seat covers. I started at 12 noon and ended at 9pm. Then the next day I installed the door armrest covers and trim, as well as a wheelskin. Looks factory and perfect BEST upgrade by far. 13 man hours total, taking my time and doing it right. If anyone is looking to do it, PATIENCE is your best friend. TAKE YOUR TIME! It will pay off! P.S. If anyone in the WNY area is looking to install these leather seats, or a PHEV setup, EV mod ect.. let me know, and I would be glad to come over and help.
This is slightly off topic, but hey, PriusLewis. I haven't seen RF for at least 30 years. Wasn't that the symbol for Big Daddy Don Garlitz the drag racer? (I might have the name slightly wrong). I wonder what he'd think of a Prius. Oh, how the world has changed.