hoe yeah ... they're popular as far south as I've been on the contenent ... Mexico City & Veracruz. But in MT?? you can't find a decent Taco stand for hundreds of miles Up there one gets "comfort food" for "2 great tastes that go great together": -------- Bison Meat Loaf, n' Garlic Mash Potatoes .
Tabasco makes Habanero? You have got to try Melindas. In Belize they put it on everything and its magical. Melindas :: Habanero Hot Sauce Pepper Products
Mojo.....heard all about Melinda's from my niece who is teaching in Belize. She brought some back when she came home for a visit...........way too hot for me.........but hubby, who eats habaneros raw, loved it!!!!
[ame=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sriracha_sauce]Sriracha sauce - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/ame] As for hot sauces Sri Racha is one of the most flavorful and complex. Great on pizza or scrambled eggs.
Ok, this is for one of my co-workers ... as he often reads over my shoulder: Spam and pepper jack cheese .
My son didn't realize that I had fed him spam (he wolfed the stuff down before his mother and I separated when I was the cook who brought food to the table), when he said that he didn't like it some years back... I took a few moments to school him on foods we can eat if we can't afford filet mignon or... or a Smithfield ham... today he uses it in about a dozen dishes he proudly proclaims as he cooks up for himself... there are lots of recipes to use this chopped pork product with... And it keeps well in the pantry to ward off the days ahead when there may be zombies... I'M JUST SAYING... Spam IS anti-zombie food... we folks that have bomb shelters know that...
Strawberry Pop Tarts (or generic toaster pastry) and chocolate milk. Take a bite of the pop tart and a sip of the choc milk together...great!
Mayo and potato chip sandwich. Just slather a piece of bread with mayo and cover it with chips, then put another piece of bread on top (second layer of mayo optional, but it helps hold it all together). Spam and just about anything (I LOVE Spam! - and yes, it helps ward off Zombies, not to mention it will probably still be edible in 10,000 years if the can lasts).
ya know, Hawaii is the SPAM capital of the world. more SPAM per capita is consumed there than anywhere in the world. every year they have a SPAM bake off competition where chefs around the world get to show their own version of their SPAM-centric dish.