I never did get my leak fixed. Its so slow its barley keeping a paper towel wet. I'm going to wait until it warms up before I try to fix it. I really just wanted to see how far off topic this was headed but since its died down I think I will see if anyone knows the name of this movie or TV show or whatever. OK I've been holding back on this one since I have almost no details. I remember seeing this on TV I think. I don't know if it was a movie, TV show, or just a weird dream I had. Anyway all I remember is a kid running to get into this device. This device was a rectangle shape I think made of metal. The kid buckled up, hit some buttons I think, and the device spun around. I don't remember if this was a time traveling device or a transporter. All I know is that it spun around and something happened. I think the kid was running away from someone. Thats all I remember.
If not for the kid, sounds like The Outer Limits -- but they never had kids. There was a cartoon around the time of Rocky & Bullwinkle's era. Something about one "Mr. Peabody" who did some kind of time travel. I am, apparently, of no help. :noidea:
I dont know if it was a kid for sure. If you think it was TOL do you know the episode? I'm currently watching the original series of TOL. Currently at the end of season 1 and starting on season 2 in about a week. I wont be on the newer episodes for at least a month.