Everyone knows the story, chocolate and peanut butter, beer and peanuts, etc, but what do you like that is a little "off" that some would just cringe at? My wife loves salt on watermelon, not me, I think its gross. Mine is mashed potatoes and buttermilk, what is yours? :hungry:
peanut butter, real butter and brown sugar, toasted... best breakfast food ever!! as far as french fries and mustard... isnt that the accepted norm? although i do admit that sometimes i will mix the mustard with BBQ sauce
My daughter had me try that a few weeks ago, after being a whimp for about 30 minutes, I tried it and finished the strawberries. :rockon:
Agreed fellow PA'er! I grew up in PA and this was one of my favorites. I was back home a couple times this month and on every table at the restaurant was ketchup...and vinegar...knew I was in PA! One of my favorite food combos is... Milk and Root Beer...must have had hundreds of them as a kid and still like them. We called them Root Beer Floats...sometimes would add a scoop of vanilla ice cream in it (which might explain the name "float" as the scoop would float at the top of the drink).
French fries is one of those weird foods that has very regional toppings. Ketchup is the most common, but I've had it with mayo (in Toronto?), mustard, brown gravy, and the Bulgarians put feta cheese on it. I've seen people salt their McDonalds fries, as if it didn't have a week's worth of salt on it already. My favorite combos - peanut butter on apples (or bananas). Also lemon juice drizzled lightly on vanilla ice cream, really puts a unique twist on it (not lemony). I always put salt and pepper on my mashed potatoes, never gravy. My brother puts ketchup on his mashed potatoes.