I posted an alternative way to mount your cargo net here: http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-iii-2010-prius-main-forum/67421-cargo-net-fix-another-solution.html But for those that would rather use the factory hook point and find the panel separating, here's a fix: Tools needed: 1) two M6x40 flat head bolt and washers 2) phillips head screwdriver 3) Wire 4) Plier The problem with the current mounting of the hook is that it's secured to a plastic panel that is only secured by one screw. Any tension on the hook will "pull" the plastic. Credit to member "HTMLSpinnr" for the idea, but the fix is to actually secure the hook to a second panel in the back which is better secured to the rear pillar. It took me around 15 min once you've sourced the right parts. Before Note the separation. This is w/o tension. It's even worse when you mount the cargo net After No separation even w/ tension on the net New M6x40mm bolt and washer compared to OEM fastener: Step 1) Uncrew the phillips head screw: Step 2) Uncrew the cargo hook and drill through the existing hole all the way through the back panel. You may want to take a look behind the first panel to see what it is you are trying to drill. Use a bit that is about 1/8" larger than the M6 bolt Step 3) Here's the trick: Get yourself a wire and loop the end. This will be used to fish the new bolt through the back panel. There's not a lot of room behind the back panel and you'll probably end up dropping the bolt down in the cavern if you don't fish it correctly. Now insert the wire from the front through the second panel and secure the new bolt: Step 4) Now carefully pull on the wire and reposition the bolt so that it passed through both panels. Step 5) Next take a plier and hold the new bolt in place while you screw on the hook and you're done! Enjoy! David
Excellent fix porschett, and nice job with the pics! I'm still kind of looking for Toy to do a recall or something but I may soon tire of waiting and use this procedure. Thanks for the clear instructions. radio
Must be your browser, as I've seen a few posts referring back to the pictures (and I've seen them since the original post).
David did a great job on the fix I have one modification though I used 6mx 30 bolts the others(6mx40) were just too long me Thanks David it works great I will still getthe fix when it finaly happens but at least I wont loose any plastic pieces till then . OH ya the hooks will hold grocery plastic bags just great also