I was driving about yesterday and came to a stop light, an older gentleman crossing the street glanced at me, looked away and then glanced back again and said "Stuck up slut" to me. First I figured he wasn't talking to me but he kept looking back at me as I drove away. I have no idea who this guy is nor have I ever seen him before. While not exactly a serious disrespect I don't think, an acquaintance of mine called the Prius a snob car. I simply don't understand. I drive a Prius and therefor must bear that people assume I'm pretentious? Anybody ever been disrespected while in their Prius?
I am on more than one forum... I have said on each about a moment or three that some dirtbag/doucherocket has commented to me, from whatever, directed at me because of/what my impression was of their remark, my ride. I used to make some rods too... and there are lots of folks that either love em or hate em... If you hear someone saying something about your car to you... think of it as I do... It's all friken envy Sis... They wish they were you, driving what you've got. It must really suck to be them Sis... don't take it personal, they cannot help themselves in their sorrow, and they envy you in your ability to find what you want in a world of decisions they are hesitant to make... and don't feel bad about your decision to drive a nice little car built for a purpose.
Nobody seem to be paying attention to the Prius here in Vancouver or Richmond. Seems out of the ordinary that you get a nasty comment from a "older gentleman" specially in Victoria. Hmm, he must have had a bad day with his wife or girlfriend.
'ya know............I hear remarks about my "little wind-up car", etc., from people regularly. I have gotten the stare down, too. Some people just don't get it, if you know what I mean. They either love the car or hate it. There's no in between. Oh well....this is America....drive what you choose!!
Ever since I bought my used '06 my oldest daughter has thoroughly enjoyed giving me a hard time about my car ("have you plugged it in lately?" - "had to buy AA batteries yet?"). In her case it has always been said with laughter. I'm glad I can provide her with so much amusement - probably the most mirth I've gotten from her in a long time! Here in Colorado, I've had big, jacked-up pick-ups get anxious and nearly run me down because they want to get by me, but I think it's more "slow Japanese junk" attitude than an attack on the Prius directly. If I need a warm fuzzy, I just go to Boulder where the Prius population might be the highest per capita in the US. Ignore the idiots. Many people are still alive only because it's illegal to shoot them!
Don't take any of that crapola personally. The day I started driving my Prius, a change came over my driving habits. And it was all driven by the MPG-meter-reader. In an effort to maximize mpg's I found (as many have noted here before) that it's as much in driving style, as in the hybrid-synergy mechanicals. It's translated overall into driving more courteously, and in a more relaxed manner. I give myself more time, and of course, I have to make accomodations for the wackos & Prius-enviers. Cassandra, I've had un-intelligible nonsense yelled at me from erraticly driven beaters with 2 square inches of paint remaining on them. I was cut-off on the interstate by a weasel in his Audi TT. A city bus sat on my tail for a mile, as I drove within the speed limit. A nut in a 90's Grand Prix with one working headlight displayed his functional central finger for my appraisal. and on & on. I smile, and, after all is said & done ....... there we are, together again, at the next traffic light. Here's the rub: My Prius driving habits have also translated into driving my 1990 Miata. I get much the same reponse from drivers, but it may be more dangerous b/c the Miata is so small. (And I'm now getting 40 mpg on this 19 yr-old car). So, I beleive it's more the driving style than the vehicle. Just keep smiling & remember that "living well is the best revenge." ----------------------- P.S. The Miata web-forum isn't nearly as much fun as PriusChat.
His life must've sucked and he realises he doesn't have much time left. Only once have I been called upon (coincidentally, it was an older gentlement too with 2 equally old friends). He winded down the window and asked "Who's gonna steal your car??", pointing to the CAT sticker.
I just give that little facial expression and nod and shoulder raise that says, "yeah." It also helps if you raise your eyebrows a bit. Try it, it's fun. And once they find out that they're right and you know it, they have nothing else.
I always noticed that when I drive a truck or SUV nobody tailgates me, if I drive a car people are on my nice person and its even worse in the Prius. So I just slow down since they can't drive with respect.
Black out the back window of your car, it has a similar blinding affect to jacking the back bumper up to windscreen level. (reduces tailgating) I suspect the OPs "gentleman" calls obscenities to everyone. I suspect he has a mental disorder.
As for tailgating (I realize this is off-topic), I do believe that it may have something to do with being able to see through the Prius. Because I do all I can to drive defensively and anticipate traffic, I prefer to follow vehicles I can see through. In fact, I have noticed that I will provide a shorter buffer in those situations. Of course, my definition of a "buffer" is still many meters away from flat-out tailgating.
"Disrespect in the Prius" Shouldn't this be: "Disrespectin' the Prius" ? -- or -- "Disrespect against the Prius" (<< or this a double negative?) After all, if one wants to conduct "Disrespect in the Prius," isn't that ones' individual option?
What were you a sayen bout ma Prius thar... Don't be disrespecting... cause ummmm... we got people... good folks, that don't take kindly to that thar kinda talk. I'm just saying...
I think I understand where some of the attitude comes from. Ordinary people who are tired of the "green" thing, and the fact the Prius is the #1 Green car makes it a target. People see a Prius and automatically assume the driver is a green weenie and therefore a target. While others are just assholes.
Since the original Honda Insight gets a similar reaction - this story. I was going to U-turn to avoid spending 5-minutes to make it back to a missed freeway exit, but three agressive drivers made that next to impossible. I slowed - two passed (good) - third one slammed his horn. So I get out. Jeep Cherokee: You drive a POS!!!!!! (considering what he drives - that remark was amusing) Me: Hey - I just wanted to get in the turn lane... Jeep Cherokee: I'm calling the police!!!! Me: Go ahead Jeep Cherokee: Peels off - problem solved Yes, we have nutcases in D/FW that carry guns.
That's exactly what happens when my wife drives the Prius but not Tahoe Z71. I told when we got it to except a bit of that type stuff, there's still enough ignorant rednecks around. I like when we take cows to the market in the 14' Cattle trailer behind the Tahoe, they don't tailgated the trailer for very long especially after one takes a dump. Y'all must realize there a certain group of people out there want nothing to do saving gas, the environment or anything else. My wife runs a farm and we don't spray, use growth hormones or steroids. If it weren't for few tons a year of pellet fertilize we use we could probably be classified as Organic.