Checkout this 2010 Prius. Tommi Kaira builds the world's sexiest Prius | The Car Tech blog - CNET Reviews
Linked article has a decided less-than-impressed tone: "Even the world's sexiest Prius is still just a Prius." and "The result is a new, sexy look and not much else." and "The Tommi Kaira Prius makes its stock 134 horsepower and stock 50 mpg fuel economy rating. That is, if the aero upgrades haven't hurt Toyota's wind-tunnel-tested drag coefficient." IMHO, all show and no -- or very little on real world streets -- go.
Those bumpers and side additions seem so low to the ground I can't imagine the car having much utilitarian functionality. I don't think I could take a normal 7-11 drive way without scraping lot of the "purty" away. Sexy? maybe...but I need some real world usefulness. I know I'm getting old but when did lack of ground clearance become "Sexy"?
I don't think it's either purty or sexy. Maybe it's sexy the way wearing a full-length burka is sexy -- Everything is covered up so it's all left to the imagination. And yeah, when did dragging the ground become sexy?
Anyone who thinks a ricer is sexy needs to get their eyes examined. We already have the world's sexiest Prius, it's the V, pick your color.
Here is another link to more info on this mod package: TOMMYKAIRA Developing Aggressive Aero Kits for 2010 Toyota Prius Hybrid - Carscoop "Going 'green' doesn't necessarily mean that you car has to look more boring than a Tupperware collection..." The emphasis is on looks, not aerodynamics at all. There are no claims that the package in any way makes the car more clean or increases MPGs. It doesn't make any claims, and it doesn't provide any supporting data. In fact there is only one indirect reference to anything even remotely aerodynamic "According to Tommy Kaira, the aero packages will be combined with a lowering kit and chunky 18-inch alloy wheels shod in 215/40 R18 tires that will be offered in various designs." You can't even say for sure that "aero" means aerodynamic. Its an "aero package" whatever that means. Again, with respect to anything aerodynamic, this is nothing more than hip, hop, and hype. Simply put, this is a styling package.
It seems clear that what is "sexy" is a matter of taste. On the other hand, this is what a Prius with improved aerodynamics looks like: Landspeed Prius Races Across Bonneville Salt Flats and:
I prefer the Junction Produce bodykit myself Carson Toyota TRD Parts, Replacement parts and accessories for Southern California
It would be entertaining to find this car in Gran Turismo since earlier Tommy Kaira cars have been included.