There's IMDB. Maybe some of their search criteria will jog your memory to come up with a few more details. The Internet Movie Database (IMDb)
Found it! Its called "Armed and Innocent" Too bad I cant find a torrent. Now if I could just remember some other movies.
Wow! Congrats on putting that one to rest. I'm sure now you can sleep in peace. As for the others, start a thread. This one seemed to work so well. . .
That might be going a bit far. With wars and famines and crime and terrorism and global warming and peak oil and politics all competing to keep us awake at night, you figure that finding the name of a movie is sufficient to bring a peaceful night's sleep? Hmmm...
So I have this water leak that is on the water line that goes into my toilet. The leak is before the toilet shut off valve. How should I fix it?
I didn't say the world was all bad. There are some things we can be grateful for. Telephones that fart are among them. Shut off the main house valve, obviously. Or take Rene's advice and call a plumber. If you have to ask this question, definitely call a plumber.
Whether you call the plumber or not, SHUT OFF THE MAIN VALVE! The worst thing you could do is - as far as I'm concerned - is to let the leak continue.
That's "DUCK" tape. (it says right on the inner roll) Duck tape is the worst tape you can use on air ducts. HVAC: Anything But Duct Tape
Duct tape (or duck tape, if you prefer) is great for wrapping your feet to prevent blisters while hiking. I didn't believe that when I was told it, during a hiking trip when I got a blister and had no mole skin. I tried it out of desperation, and it worked!
Do you always pack a roll of duct tape when you go hiking? Have you ever wondered if there are, like, comercial mole farms that make all that mole skin for hikers?
I never take duct tape with me on a hiking trip. I have good boots and virtually never get blisters. But on one trip, in my previous boots, I did get a blister, and they had some duct tape at the lodge, and they told me to use it and it was great! And it stays on better than mole skin. Mole skin comes off unless you use adhesive (which outdoor stores sell for the purpose) and that stuff is hard to clean off your feet afterwards. I don't think they make mole skin out of commercially-raised moles. I think they use wild moles caught in steel-jaw traps.
I didn't know you could get duct tape in different colors other than silver/aluminum and gray until the other day. Wal-Mart had like 20 colors.
Yes, those are the same ranches that bred and raised the naughas that supplied all the naughahyde that was used in the 60's and 70's. I suppose it was the (now defunct) naugha ranches that went into mole farming to make a "buck".
Have we gotten away from movie trivia? How about this one -- It's semi-automotive related, but decades pre-Prius. The central character is driving a '70's VW beetle convertible with his girlfriend in the front seat. He does a miserable job of parallel parking in NYC, but says, "That's ok, we can walk to the curb from here"