what is "oic"??? I did not take it with a fisheye. I took it with a very wide rectilinear. a 14mm on a full frame Digital Single Lens Reflex camera. It doesn't look that way because of photoshop either. A very wide anlgle lens exaggerates things somewhat. If he tires were pointing outward a little, and they were from my veiwpoint, then they will point out a lot at 14mm. I think it makes a pretty good avatar. I like that it is graphic and mysterious.
I am a risk taker. "can be unhealthy" can be said about a lot of worthwhile pursuits, don't you agree? I have LIVED in unhealthy places. Places where gunfire was so common you didn't even notice it.
"oic" = Oh!, I see as far as running out of gas. have done it a dozen times in my life i survived. to be honest with ya, its my prediction that after going about 80-90 miles past zero, you will tire of carrying the gas around in your car and just fill up obtw, awesome pics
Most emergency flashers do operate with key out of the ignition, no? That is the whole point of its operation or operation condition. I just checked the Avalon and Prius and it operates with no key in site.
I don't think his purpose was to carry the gas can with him all the time, only on his long trip perhaps and for the experiment to wrap his head around the accuracy of the gauge. Good for him.
If you have the Sceptre cans KEEP them. I have several that I use to carry fuel in my airplane, but rumor is somebody in California determined them to be bad and now only Uncle Sam is allowed to have them. Maybe they caused cancer in Californian rats?