Driving after 40 miles this morning, the red triangle came on at a stoplight. As I was freaking out, it went off. For the rest of my trip, it went on and off about ten times and I breathed a little easier, thinking maybe it wasn't a big deal. If the red triangle goes off is this insignificant as long as there are no other messages showing? I seem to remember the 05's had a TSB on the MFD's. About two weeks ago, I had the 12V battery changed with a genuine Toyota replacement and done by a very reliabe shop I stopped there first asking them to check the connections and they said all was fine. Can I drive this any distance without damaging the vehicle?
Check to see if your rear hatch is closed tightly. You will see the red trangle if you open a door while the car is in Drive. Since you had an intermittent alarm, it could be a door not closed properly.
Pull the codes. It will probably the inverter overheat. If so, you will need to change the coolant pump. While doing that, change the antifreeze in both systems and the transmission fluid. I did it myself and the cost for everything was less than $200. Make sure Toyota sells you the proper antifreeze. You want the premixed stuff. Ron
Yep, I had this happen when I first got the car, driving to the store, and TADA, saw the RTOD (Red Triangle of Death), heard the BEEEEEp!! Seconds later, wondering what's next, I hit a bump, up popped the hatch. Thankfully I was only going 30 on a city street. I stopped, closed the hatch securely, waddya know, the RTOD was out when I put her into Drive. That piqued my curiosity, as I was still in the parking lane, and nobody was around, I opened the drivers door while moving...OK, RTOD. Popped open rear hatch, stated moving, OK RTOD.... H'mmm, lesson learned, and all at NO cost !!! I hope that's all your problem is, and/or "Your still under warranty". Usually RTOD's cost MONEY!!!
It wasn't the hatch unless there is a problem with the locking mechanism. The dealership said it was a headlight sensor and they will have to order it. They have the codes so I should trust them but don't. For some reason, if I drive without stopping at least thirty miles with no stops, no light no beep. If I make one short stop, and drive two to five miles, beep and light. It doesn't stay on but it is irritatingly uncomfortable. I also told the repair tech that the A/C wasn't working correctly the first thing but he said, Oh that's nothing. I'll have to wait and see. Thanks for giving me some other possible instances that might cause this.
Ask for the codes. If they won't give them to you stop at Autozone and have them pull the codes for you for free.