I noticed today the price of the Scangauge II dropped to $139.95 at Amazon. I'm not sure how long that price will last. http://www.amazon.com/dp/product/B000AAMY86?tag=priuschatcom-20
why is this something a normal user would want? Are you guys using these for reading engine codes, or for additional statistical information?
and a trip computer...although i don't use that. I only use it for the extra gauges.... usually engine temp, current into the traction battery, rpm, and ignition timing. It has improved my fuel consumption.
ScanGauge is $149.95 at scangaugesales.com, where I got mine. It shipped same day. This is such a cool site. I just discovered it. So much great info, thanks to all of you for sharing it. My next car is definitely going to be a Prius. The stock market has caused a delay, however. Meanwhile, until that day, I'm able to get 38-39 hiway after adding a fuel pre-heater and an EFIE that adds .15v to the O2 sensor signal on a well cared for Probe. And I coast all I can.
I find it essential for hypermiling. Watching parameters like ignition delay or injector timing give you a much better idea of what you need to be doing to get maximum MPG. Also, knowing coolant temperature lets you know what stage of operation the computer/engine/motor-generators are in, and what techniques you can use at that stage. Watching these parameters simultaneously with the MPG indicator on the Prius screen will teach you how to use that parameter better.
RPM and Water Temperature are the easiest to see and require the least amount of knowlege and skill to monitor.
I use it to monitor engine temp, rpm, ignition timing and traction battery current. Temp because I grill block and also because I want to know what stage I'm in. rpm and ign timing for getting into the super highway mode and other similar points of operation. Battery current so i can make sure I'm not braking faster than I can regenerate, and so i can go "no arrows" more easily. So I guess mild hypermiing sorta stuff mostly. I'm hoping to never have to read codes. I don't use the trip computer features much. I may start looking at the 12v battery voltage in another year or 2.
Re: Scangauge II on sale, $126.17 at Amazon I just got an alert from camelcamelcamel.com and confirmed that Amazon has it on sale for $126.17 right now. Not sure which thread to bump or I should start another that would be more widely seen.
Yesterday I went to the Amazon page and it said click to see price in cart. I clicked and it said $126 with free shipping. When I got home from work I decided I was going to buy it at that price. Only it was now 159.95. I am so mad. I'm not going to buy it until it drops down below 130 again.
They must have been selling them like hotcakes when it was $126. They only have 1 in stock now so that's why it's back up to 159.95. I wonder if they will get more in stock and drop the price again?
I'm still holding out. It's killing me and I really want this but I'm still holding out for the price to drop. Looks like they are too popular now and won't be dropping in price anytime soon. There is a Roadi and Autel Scangauge knock off that are much cheaper but they have too many negative reviews for me to trust at this time.
Was curious why this old thread was active?! I buy "surplus" Amazon stuff at auction and sell it on eBay. I've sold ScanGauge II for as low as 120$ new. Frankly some stuff I buy I keep, like an XM Radio and I was tempted to keep one of the ScanGuage. However there is already so much visual info to keep you occupied while driving a Prius, I was afraid it would be more of a distraction. I am willing to bet rear end collisions (caused) by Prius drivers is MUCH higher than other vehicles. My philosophy is this: you are driving an almost zero emission vehicle, getting 45-55 MPG--I don't understand why are so many people so anal about 1 or 2 MPG, or the coolant temp? The CAR will TELL YOU if there is a problem!! Stop being DISTRACTED and drive---pay attention to the road (mostly), then the sky, the fields, the birds, the clouds, sunsets, sunrises. Stop worrying about the % charge of your battery, the fuel mixture, or whatever! Enjoy the drive and the scenery!