I need advice from the knowledgeable folks on this site. A week ago last Wednesday, I took my 2005 Prius in for 25K service. The dealer suggested I take the opportunity to get the steering assembly recall taken care of. He also told me my front tires needed replacing, which I agreed to. I picked my car up at 1:00pm the next day. On my second drive of the car—THREE HOURS AFTER PICKING IT UP—I was making a left turn, when I suddenly experienced the steering sticking. I was unable to pull out of the turn, and I struck a parked car. I had the car towed back to the dealer. The damage was extensive...the impact separated the right front tire from the axle. The first estimate (including body work) was $10,000. I argued extensively with the service manager, who claims he can find no evidence of anything they did that could have caused a problem with the steering. In fact, everything is intact and working. I maintain that since something DID go wrong—and that they had worked on my steering assembly and wheel alignment 3 hours earlier—that Toyota should take responsibility. I told them that if those two events were a coincidence, it would be a coincidence of staggering proportions, the likes of which the world hasn't seen. I don't have collision insurance, obviously (I had to suspend it, temporarily, for financial reasons). So, I have no ally. I called the national customer service, and got a case number. The head of customer svc for the dealer called me and I went through it with her. Today, the General Manager called and I went through it again. The service manager had already agreed to do the repair "at cost" (what that really means, it's hard to tell), which brought the cost down to $7,900. I told the GM that I was trying to be reasonable, and that I would appreciate their being reasonable, too. So, I offered to split the $7,900 fee with them—and have them take care of my car rental. He's going to call me back on Monday, after talking again to the parts mgr., but indicated that that was more than he was prepared to do. What can I do to bolster my case? No one was hit or hurt, thank god, and I tried to explain how lucky we all were. But, I don't seem to be making enough headway. Does anyone know an instance in which the steering could become sluggish after a wheel alignment or steering recall? I'd appreciate any and all sincere suggestions, as I'm getting desperate. Thank you all in advance!
Correct, I have liability but no collision. I'd very much like to resolve this without going through legal channels. I'm hoping that there's information out that can bolster my argument. Such as, possible reasons the steering might have become momentarily sluggish. Or, others who have gotten the recall done and had a problem. Any type of help is greatly appreciated — thanks!!
You need to prove that there was neglect in the repair. If you can't prove that, it is going to be very difficult. I don't want to reprimand you with regards to the decision you made about the insurance but you should try and reinstate it for the future. I am not sure where you live but I am in NYC (outer borough) and the collision for six months is less than 100 bucks. Anyway.... being that the dealer was somewhat negotiable leads me to believe that they may indeed feel that they have exposure. Speak to the district manager and go up the chain until you find someone that can make a decision. What you describe sounds very odd indeed.
Hi marlowe, can you be certain if the steering actually "stuck" or if it was just a temporary loss of power assist. I'm no expert but I wonder if that could have happened becasue they got an air pocket or something in the power steering hydrolic fluid when they re-filled it?
Can you please elaborate on this theory? What would the sensation be if if there was an air pocket? As to the earlier comment, I agree that the dealer's willingness to drop the price 20% sends a signal that they feel some culpability. Again, I spoke to the General Manager. Where would I find the "District Manager"? I already to spoke to Toyota customer care, but they don't hold sway over the individual dealers. I assumed the GM was the final word. Am I wrong?
The power steering assist is electric, not hydraulic, so you should immediately discard the theory expressed in post #7. I haven't heard about anyone else having the problem you experienced after having the intermediate steering shaft recall work performed. At worst, people might complain about a scraping sound which happens when the shaft is rubbing against instrument panel trim. I'm surprised that the parking lot accident resulted in $10K damage (is that amount for your car or for both cars?). That's the amount of damage you might expect if you had an accident at freeway speeds.
Oops now you mention that I do remember reading it somewhere before. At least I did prefix that advice with "I'm no expert but it could be ..." In any case the thing I was trying to establish is whether it was like a complete seizure of the steering or whether it was just a loss of power assist. He said he hit a parked car but he didn't say it was in a car park. My understanding is that he was turning left into a street (or perhaps just veering left on a bend in the road) when the malfunction happened. As a result he was unable to complete the turn and crashed into a car that was parked beside the road.
Your only recourse is to have the work that the dealer did inspected by a different dealer and Toyota Certified Mechanic. If that mechanic finds a defect then you have a suit. An accident 3 hours past work and based solely upon heresay won't fly. A dealer who admits liability has opened itself up to a much larger suit than just the repair of a wrecked vehicle. Best of luck!
The latter is correct. I had been at a stop light, and made a left turn. I couldn't have been going more than 20 - 25mph, but I think the angle I hit the other car at proved an unfortunate one. The 10K damage is for my car alone. I wouldn't characterize it as a "complete seizure"—or even a total locking. It just suddenly felt stuck as I tried pulling out of the left turn. I found this thread from PriusOnline from 2006. Wonder if there's any connection: PriusOnline.com • View topic - Power Steering Problem