Believe it or not, someone stole the toyota hood ornament off my car. Anyone had this experience and can suggest a place to but a replacement.
More Details... I have a Package 5 with the nice blue hood badge. Just called a dealer and he referred to it as the "HSD Blue Badge" and it costs $900. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
You didn't say if you have the Advanced Technology package but is it just the emblem and not the radar behind it?
just got the quote from the dealer. cant understand why some jerk would steal such a thing. at that price, i may have to go around without one for awhile
That my friend is ridiculous! If you have the part number try entering it into the search @ Auto Parts -, For Every Part of Your Life
Were the brackets broken? Do you know how it was removed? If the brackets were broken, then the repair would require removal of the front bumper and installation of new brackets. A bit timely, so the $900 may include the cost of repair as well as the badge. It may be hard to justify making the insurance claim if you have a high deductible and have made any other claims recently.
Bracket was left in tack. The quote was directly from the hayward Ca. toyota dealers parts department. My deductible is $500 but hate to waste a claim on something like this
That really stinks. Who would do such a thing? Not only is it criminal what the punk did - but Toyota - $900??? Are you sure they didn't mean $90? Even that price.... Someone on the Forum was planning to buy an aftermarket blacked-out emblem I believe. If so - he may have the OEM. So sorry.
Completely understand and agree. Completely understand and agree. $900 for the emblem? What precious metals and jewels are in that thing? There has to be a salvage yard, somewhere, already holding the unfortunate remains of a totalled 2010 . . .
The topic has caused me to start roominating . . . I forsee a new ebay oportunity obviously you've never priced auto insurance in east L.A. or Compton .
I say we get a lynch mob going and search out the criminal! That is a damn rotten thing for someone to do. Have you got a neighbor who envies your Prius too much? I can't imagine that it will become new bling for street rappers........ a black emblem can be found for under $30 on most online sites, do more research
Actually - considering THAT price they quoted I'd sell you mine for $799 taxfree including delivery. And any background color you'd want or the standard hybrid blue. I'm to be in California in late Oct - if you could hold off, I'd hand deliver with complimentary install. Now that I see that Salsa below ruined my's a link $69....many colors incl silver. Toyota Prius 2010+ ZVW30 Exterior Accessories :: Sigma Automotive OH oh - edit again - now see that's just for the background plastic... But they do have "Splash Blue" complete emblem package. They also have a note on the site stating the front emblem for a V ATP is "over $800" - bet the dealer quoted you that one....
a priori is correct, there are probably already several totaled 2010's that their Toyota emblems can be had. Contact a local salvage yard, have them get on their "Parts Locator" and see what they can LOCATE! David (aka Blind Guy)
As for the thief, either he's a pro who knew what it was worth and is now selling it on the black marked for $450 (everybody hurry out and remove the badges from your Prius before it, too, is stolen). Or he's a poor bastard who wanted one real bad but couldn't afford to buy one at $900.
Kids. Had the Ram off of my pickup pryed off. Have to buy the whole $500 grille from Dodge to get the emblem. So I went naked... Agree with blind guy but I have been checking wrecking yards and Ebay for a year with no luck. I saw a news report and kids collect and trade emblems like some of us used to collect baseball cards. Mercedes and some of the other luxury cars are highly prized.