Nope.... The next poster is planning a day trip to Olvera Street in LA so that Misty can travel the roads and get great gas mileage!
The last time I was in LA, I was stranded on Sunset Blvd. Not a fan. Yes on the great gas mileage though! The next poster has the house all to themselves for the evening. Unheard of peace and freedom!
Nope The next poster wonders if anyone would notice if they crawled under their desk at work and took a nap. :bored:
yes! moving is expensive, the kitchen is looking lean, and there are weeks to go before the first paycheck comes. the next poster is getting far better gas mileage lately.
Oh Yes! Yes! Yes! 52 avg. on tank one and so far... a 54 avg. on tank two. I LOVE my new car. The next poster is getting ready to start a masters program and is really excited about it.
No, but the DW is driving me! The next poster wants to know if you can see the real me, can ya, can ya?
No Can See. The next poster also has something to celebrate - in my case, starting my 20th year of married life today!
No... but happy anniversary to you and the missus. The next poster has been feeling rather out of sorts lately.
No The next poster wonders if this year will set a record for celebrity deaths, what with Mary of Peter, Paul, & Mary having died today.
Achoo! Not so much... to allergic to cats, but my dog has been having "issues" again and might benefit from therapy. The next poster really wants to hurry and get a passport to visit Canada!
Done that, been there. The next poster bought another painting tonight, and will soon need to buy more walls.
No, but I understand the lure of art. I'd actually like to sell my walls, and move. The next poster needs to do some work today.
Spot on, but hoping for a quieter evening at the Psych unit. The next poster is looking forward to babysitting a one month old tomorrow!
Yes, in a big way! I have a passport to pay for after all. The next poster wants to find a place to belong.
In my experience, wherever you go, there you are... The next poster has an orphaned lamb in the kitchen. (its that time of year again boys and girls - wear shoes when you go get a drink of water)