Thank you, this is the type of info I'm looking for. However, I don't understand what you are saying about "toggle switch to four position block by left drivers knee." It's a lot of money -- does it work properly?
Are you all saying that in order to install fog lights you have to first figure out all the parts that are needed and how they are put together? Has nobody actually gone to a dealer and asked for the fog lights to be installed, and they did it without you giving them the parts and telling them how to do it?
Hi Again, The same location where the solar panel ventillation switch is. My car had two of four switch positions blank, the dealer used one for the fog lamp switch. They ordered all the parts, I just stipulated had to be Toyota and warranty approved.
Hi Jim: Hawkmoon77 has indeed posted a lot of detailed info regarding his venture into doing the Fog Light mod and I was very impressed by his excellent details on what he did, along with others, to get Fog Lights on their non-V Prius. That being said, my reference to Casumik (Mike) was that he did a 99.999% OEM install. So if PriusRos wanted to just go and have the Toyota Dealer order the parts and have the mechanic install them then Casumik's experience would be of value. However, if PriusRos wanted to venture into more of an actual 'mod' then Hawkmoon77's along with RachealSeven, etc. would be the persons with the info that would be more than helpful! I hope that clears up things and in no way was I trying to take away from Hawkmoon77's excellent postings. Take care.....
I also asked my local Toyota parts dept about the availbility of the factory fog lamps for non-V models and they said not likely. I had initially thought about getting fog lamps from "Bling-Lights" because they were/are a cheap alternative but decided against it. My main concern is that you would not be able to properly aim the lights or it would be somewhat difficult to do so with an aftermarket setup. The factory bezel for the fog lamp already "aims the lamp" for you so that will be the route I'm going with. I will wire my lights independent thus not tampering with the factory harness and install a lighted switch in the dash.
Thanks, Edward, you're right. I just want to be able to go to the dealer and have them get the parts I need and install them. I realize I will probably have to give some guidance to the dealer, which is why I need to find out as much as I can about what is needed. Thanks everyone for steering me to the right people. However, that thread is still really daunting. Even knowing who's posts to look out for it's pretty hard to figure out what was done in the end. Maybe if I wait for a while, more dealers will have done this install and eventually they'll understand what needs to be done without having to be told. I can wait.
However, I'm still interested in hearing from people like Hoffy, who have gone to a dealer and had them installed. Hoffy is in Canada, though. Anybody in the U.S. (especially MD/VA/DC area) managed to get this done yet?
I am another guy in that long thread who did the install. I chose the cheapest and quickest way that resulted in a near OEM look using some aftermarket parts. Yeah that thread has grown too big and will confuse people who hasn't been following it closely. Here is what I got and how much I spent 1 fog lights x 2 = $43.99 (ebay, aftermarket kit made for Yaris) 2 fog lights trim right and left (genuine toyotal parts from, 81482-47020 and 81481-47020) = $81.01 (inc. WA 9.6% tax) 3 cost of the mod = $5 (few tie-wrap, electrical tape, wire) 4 no other parts used. GRAND TOTAL = $130 Here is my post showing the installation. As you can see, I went with OEM look alike dash mounted switch instead of OEM stalk switch. OEM stalk switch will add about $100 and more install and wiring work. Don't waste your money on other generic foglight kit such as a set sold ebay and Priuschat shop made by BLINGLIGHTS. It's so generic, it will require considerable work to retrofit it, will not look OEM and will cost as much if you consider extra labor to fit the lamp. I am not sure how you would drill a hole on the grey cover cleanly. It's not even a perfect round circle. The Toyota Yaris specific kit I bought includes the light that's identical to the OEM light used in Prius, OEM look alike switch and complete wiring harness with relay and fuse pre-wired. Little modification to the wiring is needed to use it in Prius but nothing major. is the exact kit I bought. Mounting the OEM foglight cover and foglight unit took me just few minutes and needed a screw driver and a floor jack. If you are not easy about dealing with wiring, "Any" good stereo/alarm installer can do it with eyes closed. It's that easy. No need to pay $$$ to the dealer and you still have to educate how they can install this. Just order the parts online and take them to the local stereo/alarm shop with some instruction from the thread. Using Genuine light assembly will only adds more cost. I compared my aftermarket unit with genuine one and didn't notice much difference in apearance. If your main goal is to get rid of that ugly grey plastic cover and have a functional fog light as a bonus, this is the way to go.
If it it is Toyota's attitude, to not listen to their customers, I can soon see them joining GM. I can see no harm in reiterating one's interest making certain features available.
If they didn't listen to their customers, you probably wouldn't be buying the Gen III Prius in the first place.
Offering a suggestion and re-iterating that suggestion is one thing, heck we've all done it. But re-reiterating, re-re-reiterating and re-re-re-reiterating them is another.
Nothing ventured, nothing gained. If Toyota wants more sales in this down economy, don't you think they will listen to people's requests and deliver? Even if it takes re-requests and so on to show them what we want?
Except that you expect Toyota to offer it tomorrow. That's being unrealistic. Also, just because you and 50 others want it, doesn't mean the other 40,000 people do.
If you have any knowledge of statistics and look at the recent questionnaire about the number of people who want fog lamps offered, you can extrapolate that it is a vast majority of buyers. As for a time frame, I don't expect it to be offered the day after I post this message. I do expect Toyota to say that we are listening to peoples' wishes and will react accordingly. Who is paying $30,000+ for a new vehicle-Toyota or the consumer? I know the answer to that and I hope Toyota does too. The stakes are too high today to take chances and not deliver what consumers want. Chrysler and GM both took their chances building what the consumer wasn't interested in and look where they are today. I hope Toyota is listening and will react.
I have a 2009 Highlander Hybrid. It has been out for a few years and you still have to get a Limited in order to get the fog lamps. I don't see Toyota changing anything in their plans other than perhaps adding the roof to a V, (but I doubt it will happen)
I would have no problem with a V with a roof. Even if it came out with smaller wheels. As of now a IV or a V is not to my liking because I want the roof and fog lamps. It will be interesting to see if Toyota reacts to all the complaints or will they just become another GM or Chrysler without listening to the consumers' requests.
Let's be honest. It would cost Toyota probably under $100/car to have fog lights standard on each vehicle. Heck, that would mean they wouldn't have to model and produce the blank fog light inserts. Why not just make it standard on every vehicle?
From what I've seen on previous postings, I'd bet only 20% of Prius owners really want them. Most would though like not to have the gray cutout.