I'm trying to remember the name of a move I seen back in the 90s and I cant seem to find it on google. I was wondering if anyone here knows what the title of the movie is. Here is what I remember. I seen the movie in the 90s but it could have been made in the 80s. I'm 95% sure it was a made for TV movie. I think it aired on the LifeTime channel but it could have also been on TBS or maybe another channel. Most likely a cable channel. Here is what I remember about the plot. I think it was based on a true story but I could be wrong. This kid is home alone and two robbers break in. This kid catches them and shoots them. I think one was killed and the other ran into the woods or something. I dont remember much of the middle of the movie except this kid was afraid of going into the house at one point. At the end I think the guy who got away or one of his buddies was in prison and was released. That guy drove to the kids house to kill him. He was doing doughnuts in the yard. The kid was afraid at first but came out of the house with a gun. I think the police showed up before anything could happen. Thats all I remember. I thought it was a good movie and was wanting to see it again. Do you know the name of it?
I thought you were starting a new game. You know, like quote a few lines of dialogue and see who can guess the movie. Your plot sounds vaguely like one of the Home Alone series.
That was my first though too... until he said one of the guys was killed. Definitely not in the Home Alone series.
Yeah its not Home Alone. This movie was not funny at all. If you want you can turn this into a game. First one to name that movie gets 1MPG points!
Useless trivia: In Mexico, "Home Alone" is dubbed into Spanish and the title is "Mi Pobre Angelito" which means "my poor little angel." Later Macaulay Culkin, the child star of that movie, played the evil kid in the movie "The Good Son." That movie was shown in Mexico under the title "El Angel Malvado" which means "the evil angel" in a play on the Spanish version of the title of the earlier movie. They do this with movie titles all the time. The Jim Carrey movie "When Nature Calls" was shown in Mexico as "Un Loco en Africa" which means "a crazy man in Africa." It makes it almost impossible to find a movie back home that you've seen overseas.
Thanks for the suggestion. I tried IMDB for the one movie I'd really like to find, but it didn't show up. CDcovers seems to deal in CDs, not movies. The movie I saw in Mexico was called in Spanish "Reyes o Reinas?" and was a subtitled version of a U.S. movie. It was about several transvestites who set out on a car trip across the U.S., and their car breaks down in a small town in middle America. In the several days it takes to have their car fixed, they transform the town from a conservative homophobic place into an open and welcoming place. There's a line toward the end: One of the transvestites is looking out over main street from a balcony, admiring the changes to the town, and says "Sometimes, it just takes a fairy." I was the only one in the theater who laughed, because the Spanish subtitle missed the pun. There is no word in Spanish that means both the fairy of myth and an effeminate or homosexual man. I suppose the English title appeared on the screen, but I don't remember it.
True at CD covers but just enter the name of the movie you're looking for and see what comes up. It does movies and music and more Was it "to wong foo" ? With Patrick Swayze?
THAT'S IT!!! Thank you! I never would have guessed that was it if I'd seen the title. (The title in Spanish made more sense.)
I'm bumping this up in hope that someone knows the name of the movie I cant find and because Tony stole the topic for a silly game. Revenge will be mine! You wont know when or where or how but you will pay! :behindsofa: To who ever can post the name of my movie I will give you a million pont lead in Tony's little movie game. :evil: :heh:
A really great movie. Patrick Swayze, who died today of cancer, was the lead. He played the part with dignity and grace. John Leguizamo, who played the young hispanic, also played the short, fat demented clown in Spawn - an incredible actor of great range.
I'm actually trying, Jay. Not much to go on. As I'm sure you have discovered, searching results in dozens of hits for "Home Alone". I've tried the Google News results but haven't come up with anything yet.
Have you tried posting in a chat board dedicated to movies? There's a lot of smart folks here, but maybe you need a crowd that really knows all the obscure old flicks.
Set up a disposable email account just for that. Two minutes. Sign up for the forum. Two minutes. Post your question and bookmark the thread. Five minutes. Check it once a day or once a week. Thirty seconds. Once you get your answer, cancel your registration and the email you used to set it up. Two minutes. It'll be worth it if the question is really bugging you.
Good steps until the end... why bother canceling? I have a hotmail account i've used since hotmail first came on the scene back in the mid-late 90's. None of my friends, family, or coworkers know about it, but all the spam-bots do (and i do mean ALL). I use it to sign up for sites like you mentioned, as a throw-away address i don't care about - and i only log into it to get the activation information for those sites (which means a few times a year, at most). Thousands of junk e-mails hit that box every day... i don't really care