Filled up last night for the second time so this was first official tank of my own. (Dealer fill tank not sure of their technique, or how full it really was). I used the same pump at the same station as my first fillup (after 604 miles). I had initially put in 10.795 gallons. This time I drove 701.2 miles. I was sweating it a little on the last 129 miles (reset trip B when I got the beep and last pip began flashing), but thanks to Bob and all the PC people I was fairly confident I wouldn't run out of gas if I kept my avg. up. Now for the 800 mile tank attempt! Oh, I resolve to be aftermarket computer (Scangauge, MID, etc.) free! We need a separate category for those who "cheat" (just kidding) and those who keep the virginity of the ECU (no tapping allowed).
Well done on the tank but you earlier posting gave the average speed as 25 mph. This is what I need for the updated 'mph vs MPH' chart: If folks will post: indicated MPG actual MPG average speed I'll add their data to the spreadsheet and post a "Thank you" when it is done. Over time, we'll get a better and better picture of what this car can do and begin to understand what leads to 'better than average' performance. BTW, I'm with you for this first year. I need a baseline performance of my wife's car with no 'tricks.' Careful records makes it possible to understand what works and what could be better. Understand that I have no problem with PnG posting PROVIDED we also get the equivalent, steady-state speed. This allows us to quantify the two but more importantly, to understand what the car, not the driver, does. Thanks, Bob Wilson
When you filled up did you fill to the top of the filler neck where you could not get another drop of gas in the tank? Because, from personal expierence, when I filled up my tank once when the pump at low setting shut off I still put nearly 2.4 gallons of gas in the tank where it reached the max point at the top of the filler neck. I am sure that the 2010 Prius tank is over 11.9 gallons at max fill capacity. alfon
excellent work, when you get 800 I'll really be impressed as I don't think I have 800 in me. As soon as I start doing real good, avg over 70, along comes a bunch of short trips with several hours between them, that shoot me down. Wait till you get it broken in, you may have an 800 mile tank in you. Doing so well right out of the box is impressive.
No, I do not fill up to top of filler neck. Not that brave with the cannister thing and all. I put 11.541 gallons in it by pumping full speed to about 7 gallons, then lowest speed I could go to first click off, wait about 20 seconds, then lowest speed again till next click and that is it. For me, at the pump I use (always the same one at the same Chevron), this second click comes very quickly. The concrete at this particular pump seems very flat. I should pour out a glass of water there and see how flat! I should pay attention to when first click occurrs and see how much to second click but my feeling is that it is not much at all!
there we go... that's the best way to do it according to the article I read in a car magazine a while ago based on the opinion of several car engineers. I also do like that...
i dont think that is a good idea when it comes to toyota cars. my family had toyota cars and my mom loves to do what you do and in the end it will give you the engine check light due to that. you should stop at the first click of the gas to prevent this. someone confirm this but this happened to my moms avallon and my cousin's tundra.
Actuallly, Wayne and Ken can really kick my @#$%! I think Ken (in Japan) has done a 1000 mile tank and I'll bet Wayne can easily do a 900. I may try for a 800, but without advanced training by a pro hypermiler and maybe some extra gauges, don't know if 900 is possible by me! Sure is a fun game though!
I've got two sets of 'mph vs MPG': (1) off the lot, and (2) field reports: The first chart is what what a brand new, 2010 Prius is capable of straight from the dealer lot. The second chart is what we're seeing from field reports. Think of the first chart as what the vehicle is capable of, the ultimate performance. But it is also part of a longer, lifetime study. What I'm looking forward to is: repeat baseline test before 5,000 mile service repeat baseline test after 5,000 mile service Now my 5,000 mile service will be a little more than most folks get: engine oil sample testing and replacement transaxle oil sample testing and replacement tire tread measurement, rotation and 4-wheel alignment What I'd like to find out is to what extent, Prius performance is a function of a complete service. There may be nothing or too little to matter. I just don't know but I want to find out. Bob Wilson
Isn't it amazing how addictive it is? I'm no where near your 700 yet but have been really impressed with how well my car is doing on it's first tank of gas, still breaking in, with me still learning.
Congrats. :clap2: And then to think that in The Netherlands the Prius is advertised with "up to 1200 km on one tank". That's 746 miles! The only way anyone is ever going to do that is by completely ignoring the blinking pip. I don't think Toyota would recommend that. From what I've seen so far, I think my limit is somewhere close to a more modest 1050 km. I don't have the nerves of steel required to drive more than 200 km with a flashing pip.
Wow, that advertisment is interesting. What is the tanks official size from the manual you get and what is the actual amount (from perfectly dry and to can't get another drop in) that you can put in? Seems that your tank my be larger than our US tanks!
Over here, it's "over 1,000kms on a tank" I'm at 800km right now with 41km left on the DTE and one pip left (not blinking)
Official size is 45 l and I suspect they used the preliminary EU consumption rating of 3.8 l/100 km. (45/3.8) * 100 = 1184 km. Simple and completely wrong. But hey, everything is allowed in war and advertising. The definitive EU rating ended up 0.1 higher at 3.9 l/100 km for the 15" wheels. These EU ratings suck, because it's nigh impossible to achieve them. I can by pulling all stops, but normal drivers will only see this occasionally on their MID (which is optimistic by a wide margin).
I'm looking forward to the challenge even though i'm not a hypermiler like Wayne is. I managed to meet the city rating for the 2005 Prius (4.0L/100km) 3 times and beat it once (3.9L/100km) despite having the bladder installed in our fuel tank. I'm looking forward to match the new 3.7L/100km city rating. You're right though. The typical driver will see 1L/100km higher than the official.
700 on your 1st Tank?!? You're sick! It took me a couple years to get into the 700's on our Gen II. Just finished my all time best: The sad part for me, I was heading for my first 800 mile tank at 400 miles, with over 1/2 a tank (6 pips) of fuel to go .... ... but "she who must be obeyed" asked me to run a bunch of errands in hilly areas ... put up her "open house" signs ... run a batch of short trips, which dashed my hopes all to pieces, and knocked off over 5mpg off the total. Oh well, better luck next year. Anyway ... 700 mile on the first tank? I'm feeling like a rank amateur I hate you! ... keep up the good work! .