There are many fuel brands nowadays. Most add at least 10% ethanol to their gasoline. Is this good for the engine because ethanol can leave a white chalk like residu behind in the fuel lines. I am wondering what your opinions are and what brand is your preference. Do you always get regular or once in a while premium? My Preference would be BP or Shell. Maybe because these are well known names and because of that better quality. Thanks
Please use the search function, there are several other threads on this topic. However, to answer your question. stick with the main brands of BP or shell. Dont go with cheap-o gas. Also, there is no need to go with premium gas. It doesnt help with milage or anything, just stick with 87.
I've always used Chevron with "Techron"... Anyone think it is or isn't really any better?
If you do some research, you'll find that "gas is gas." It's refined petrolium that the epa and other agencies strictly control. The gas that goes into a Shell tanker for delivery is exactly the same gas that goes to the "cheap-o" gas stations. Some brands put additives into their gas, but this is all marketing. Additive percentages are so small that it's negligible and not worth the hype it's selling for. Gas is kind of like bottled water. It's all basically the same stuff with different marketing strategies to try and differentiate from the "other guys."
I would not use that techron crap. I think shell gas stations have that. My mom put it in my gen 2 prius and I had to have the fuel filter and injector replaced. That stuff screws it up. Toyota said not to use it anymore.
Shell has had some MAJOR snafus in the past with the content of their gasoline, as recent as 2006. I only trust Exxon and Texaco.
The manual says 88 octane so I blend 1/2 87 + 1/2 89 on each fill up. Great results so far with Chevron and Arco.
It's Chevron that has Techron. Maybe Shell does also, but I can't say because I don't use Shell. I've used Chevron 99% exclusively for the past 5 years and have never had a problem. Can you link to wherever Toyota supposedly said not to use it??
As a resident of the Great Lakes region, I avoid BP. EPA backs BP dumping -- BP dumps mercury in lake -- BP gets OK to dump mercury into Lake Michigan -
On my 2005 Prius I tried a lot of brands and one of the best that always produced the best gas mileage was SHELL, most of the cheap gas produced 2-5 m.p.g. Less, or even started to (maybe) burn the catalytic converter (boy did some stink, coming out of the tail pipe). If the smell coming out of the tail pipe stinks then you should not be using that brand gas (ever,in that car)(usually starts to show up at 2-3 consecutive fills)! But Shell never stunk, or produced poor mileage for me! Now if some of you had problems that needed engine repair then that was due to faulty tanks at your gas station that you filled up at. Now I have not had these 2010 Prius's long enough yet, but so far Shell seems to be the best again. I found this here on the stink! A Stinky Car May be Telling You Something Rotten eggs: Could indicate a plugged or damaged catalytic converter or a too-rich air/fuel mixture. Call your mechanic, since this is a sign of electrical malfunction. Good luck to all
You only need to use 87 octane. There's a thread about this error in the manual:
I would like to believe that all gas brands are the same but I'm not sure... I use only Gas America or Speedway because those are the only stations nearby. I have not noticed any difference between the 2 in my 2010 Prius, although, at some point, I thought Speedway was giving me slightly better MPG in my previous CR-V. I have many friends who are picky about choosing their gas station and they swear that different gas stations deliver different fuel efficiencies. More on this issue here: Maybe someone who has run some good real-life tests can address this dilemma here…
Regardless of the gas brand, better fuel efficiency can be obtained with pure gasoline without E10 (10% of ethanol); however, I think it is almost impossible to find pure gasoline anywhere in the US these days. Don't just assume that the gasoline in your favorite gas station is pure because it lacks the ethanol sticker on the pump! Many States, like here in Indiana, are not required to display the ethanol sticker on their pumps even though they are selling E10 gasoline. E10 will decrease your fuel efficiency by 5-10% in most cars; the impact is lower in hwy driving I believe.
Whatever is cheapest. As others have stated, gas is gas. There is only one refinery in Northern California, so it is easy to prove that point.
Some manufacturers (e.g. Audi) recommend 'Top Tier' gas. google it, and you'll find more about it. I don't know if it's bogus (marketing partnership?) or a real quality difference.
Although the OP's question may have been in the context of which fuel is "best" for the engine, another factor worth some consideration is which fuel brand is best for the environment. Okay, none of them are very green, but some are worse than others. Here's the Sierra Club's take. Having read about Shell's activities in Nigeria, I feel a bit guilty every time I fill up there--but some say they get the best mileage with Shell in the tank.
Toyota is one of the manufacturers that recommend top tier fuel. I believe in it, which proves nothing does it?