I hope I never get dysentery to find out if I can buy yummy camel dung Deionized water is typically used in the semiconductor industry, and in chemical analysis labs. It must be used with special piping that is resistant to DI water DI water is - essentially - water with all the ions removed. This makes the DI water a damn good solvent. Bad effects for your gut
Really? Now we're talkin' !! Got any name brands in mind ? In the interim ... I'll get busy & see what I can find. I really bust my hump, drying my PV panels quickly so as not to leave behind any minerals. camel pooh? I'll pass on that .
The Mr. Clean hose attachment was mentioned, I don't know of any others or how often you'll have to change the cartridge. If you don't mind rinsing the car and panels by bucket, look into DI and RO units for aquarium water. I had a small tap mounted one that cost around $30 at the time. It did the job for mixing up salt water. I don't any will dispense at a rate to allow hosing thing off. If you go with a ion exchange softener, get the largest resin bed in your budget and install space. Modern units measure water flow and recharge the bed based on that the incoming water's hardness. A larger bed means a longer time between recharges, and thus less energy used.
One of the problems is that it contains few ions. Since human intestines are semi-permeable membranes, and humans are basically filled with salt water, DI water is pulled through the intestinal lining and absorbed into the blood stream by osmosis. Fluid pressures build leading to edema. If you drink enough, your lungs will fill and you will drown in your own fluids. Lesser amounts will lead to organ damage. Tom
Yep, not exactly pleasant stuff to chug down For some reason, DI water appears to make fairly decent coffee. But the coffee maker doesn't last very long YOu know how most cheap plastic coffee makers have a rubber/plastic tube that carries the hot water up to the dispenser into the basket? We never got more than 2-3 weeks out of a coffee maker before that tube rotted out and the coffee maker engaged in an endless cycle with the water level never changing That facility, the tap water was so hard, the coffee maker died almost as quickly if we used it straight from the tap. Not to mention the coffee then tasted like s***
I have been very happy with the Aquasana Rhino 300 filter for eliminating 99 % of the chlorine from water and off gassing chlorine in the showers, if you can afford $800 every 3 years. It may last longer. TIme will tell. Aquasana - EQ-300 Rhino Whole House Water Filter - 20% OFF!
In terms of cost and if you're patient, yes. Otherwise, the Costco unit or the Aquasana unit will work well
I found this thread via search. I recently purchased the below unit for using on the final rinse of my Prius, and am quite happy with it so far: Portable Water Deionizer - Cleaning Tools - Car Washing - Car Care - Griot's Garage This wasn't out yet at the time this tread was originally created. This unit is better than the CR Spotless unit in terms of build quality. It also has a diverter so you can only have it filtering for the final rinse, which should make the resin last longer.