I seem to have a problem at 5400 Miles. I recently drove through the roads in New Jersey and I have to say they are some of the worst roads I have seen. As a result of the last few days there is a constant shaking as if some part is becoming loose because of potholes/bad roads/manholes, etc. And I thought I might a left something in the car but upon inspection in the trunk and under the trunk (where the spare is stored) I cant seem to understand what is going on? Is this something that warranty generally covers. I got my 09 prius brand new in April. Things are getting noisy inside whenever the car drives through rough roads and its getting worse. Hoping someone has had some luck dealing with these issues. Thanks. Joe
What tire pressure are you running? If you are willing to give up maximum mileage, run the recommended pressure instead of max pressure. It really does make a difference - better ride at the expense of a couple of MPGs. Roads here in the Denver metro are also horrible due to the freeze-thaw cycles we get. I find my '06 rides better than many cars I've owned, including my wife's Impala LTZ (but not as good as our old 560SEL Mercedes, LOL). Different tires have really made a difference on many of our Prius. Search the forum for "tires" and you'll get flooded with info. I know it's a pain to have to change new tires for something better, but some shops will give you a trade-in. I, and others are running the Falken ZE-912 and all are reporting noticeably better ride. I believe those running the Michelin hydros are also getting much better ride. There are aftermarket springs that claim to have better ride (since they are progressive instead of linear). Search on "springs" for info. However, most of them lower the car (better looks and mileage, but worse for snow clearance). I have no experience with aftermarket struts for the Prius, but it might be worth a search. I find the stock valving to be very well developed with nice rebound control. However, as with most cars good aftermarket shocks are always better than the stockers. If I were to go to the trouble to change the springs I'd also change the struts (they have to come out anyway for the spring swap).
I second that. If you run over the suggested tire pressures in metro NYC you will have to wear a kidney belt and visit your dentist to check your fillings. I can't believe the deplorable conditions of some of the roads around here. Its almost a joke!!
My tires can inflated with 38 in front and 35 or so in the rear. Thats when they came in. I havent checked in a while but I'm sure they are a little lower than that. And I believe I am running Goodyear Integrity tires which are good from what I've read. I'll try to read up on tires to find more info. I have absolutely no car knowledge. So i don't know what struts and springs are but I will read on it and see if I can understand what it is that you're talking about. My only concern is whether or not this issue is repairable? I'd hate to think that it isn't. I'll have the service person check it out when i bring it in for my first oil change.
You might want to take a look at the plastic panels under the Prius. They are attached with plastic nuts and fill with mud and dirt. If one comes loose it will make some noise. I filled mine with spray foam and used steel nuts to hold them on. 20 miles of dirt most days. Jerry
Thanks. It's a tough job but we try. I also vote for checking the plastic fasteners & panels under the body.
Actually, the Integrity's are not great overall based on the posts here (I've never used them). By all means have the dealership check it all over first. But the shock and spring thing is not something the dealer will change. The springs hold the car up (and give it the bouncy bouncy over bumps). There is one at each corner. The struts, or shocks control the movement so you don't get a lot of pogo-ing (bouncing multiple times after going over a bump). These two items are the major components in the suspension system, and determine the characteristics of the ride and handling.
Well, I hope the noise is coming from plastic panels, but if a metal part of the suspension is damaged it would not be wise to wait a long time to have it corrected.
Well there goes that. I took my car for service and the dealership i went to (Westbury Toyota) did absolutely nothing to get rid of the sound. The Oil Change was really quick (I was happy about that). I was watching the guy perform the oil change and he came around with the slip of paper and went straight to the service advisor, dropped off the slip of paper and took off. I went inside to speak to the service advisor, I asked about the noise and loose part issue and she said "oh there wasn't anything loose" then she changes the answer to "I'm sure if there was something he would have told me about it" More like he didn't look to see. Fortunately I took my car back to Jersey again, and this time I had passengers. Now there is no shaking rattling from the inside. So, after all, it was something from inside, maybe one of the passenger seats weren't properly adjusted down. Whatever it was, its gone now and I'm a little less worried.
I had an Alfa Romeo that the passenger seat back would rattle like crazy in a certain position. If I leaned it a little more back or forward it would shut up. Also, check the wires that are under the seat. There is a connector for them that I believe should be clipped to the seat. If it isn't it could be vibrating against the bottom of the seat. And if the seat isn't in a notch fore-and-aft it would probably rattle. Sit in it and try to shift fore and aft without using the adjusting bar. If it moves and clicks in, it wasn't in a notch.
If you install a strut tower brace either from BT Tech or TOM's, not only will your Prius' handling be vastly improved (reduced turn-in lean and body roll), but the front end of the car will take bumps, potholes, manholes, railroad tracks, etc. much better. IMO, the first $250 you spend on the Prius should be spent on a strut tower brace.
sounds like maybe a weight came off a rim and now a tire came is of balance (does it get consistently worse depending on speed) usually an unbalanced tire is fine up to about 45-50 MPH then it gets. Another possibility could be the allignment if it is severe enough it should pull one way or the other when accelerating quickly and braking hard.
This is what I think it was. I think one of the seats wasn't in proper position. Or someone probably sat adjusted it before getting out of the vehicle and ever since it was rattling (pissing me off). I'd hate to think that something was really loose from under the car because the sound was most certainly contained within (atleast to my ears it did).
No the alignment is fine. I don't have any issues with the rims as I carefully inspect the tires (and the body before getting in the car after geting off work). I dont experience a naturual tilting in any way. Obviously if the road itself is tilted one way or another (which on the GCP and LIE is the case), then its a different story.
Just for future reference the spin balance weights are on the inside of the rim (facing towards under the car)
i have problem that sounds like there is a bad strut on the left side when i go over certain bumps when the weather is cold
Boo/Tom, I need to get around to that. I've used these since my 1965 Mustang days, where they did a lot of good (which is why Shelby put them on the GT350). What about the lower (under the car) brace? Do you have one, and is it as effective as a strut tower brace?