HIDs? You imported a U.S. car?? Either way a Package 5 isn't a base car in the U.S. umm... well one thing I noticed about Edmontonians is that they love to race from light to light. I find it hard to accelerate like I do in Vancouver. I feel that I have to push a little harder just so that I don't have a car or truck up my ***. I would learn the pulse & glide technique (P&G) and really pay attention to the routes you get to work. There may be alternate, more fuel efficient routes without losing much time (or adding much distance). Remember that one route may not be efficient both ways. Be aware of your surroundings. Don't hold up traffic and try to cleverly disguise the pulse and glide. (I try to time the glide part so that I'm gliding to a red light. People tend to get less pissed off if it's a red light ahead then a green) Check your tyre pressures and keep them inflated (remember to account for air temperature differences between the garage and the outside air when pumping the tyres in the winter. Tyres lose ~ 1 psi for every 5°C so if it's 10°C in the garage and -30°C outside, remember to pump an extra 7 psi in). I keep mine inflated at 38/36 for the 15" rim with the stock Goodyear Integrity. Currently running at 40/38 on Nokian WRs. Judicious use of the A/C works too. Keep it at the highest temperature that still keeps you comfortable (rather than keeping the interior like a freezer). Use a sunshade so that your interior plastics don't heat up as much. Time of day helps to. I was able to get 3.9L/100km over the entire tank because my commute had light-moderate traffic. If you think it was a one-time thing, I also have three 4.0L/100km tanks so it is possible in a hilly place such as Vancouver. It might be easier in Edmonton but traffic may be the biggest factor here cause your roads have a good speed for cruising efficiently. P&G works below 65km/h. I don't P&G above that.
It is tire in Canada not tyre Canadian spelling rules can be partly explained by Canada's trade history. For instance, the British spelling of the word cheque probably relates to Canada's once-important ties to British financial institutions. Canada's automobile industry, on the other hand, has been dominated by American firms from its inception, explaining why Canadians use the American spelling of tire and American terminology for the parts of automobiles (e.g., truck instead of lorry, gasoline instead of petrol). Canadian English Information, Canadian English Reference Articles - CanadaSpace Reference
blah blah blah heh. I was wondering why we're a nation of half British and half American words. welcome back Airbalancer!
HI Tideland, How would I have got a US Prius? The dealer was local, this was his last unit that was not loaded to the eyeballs, and he wanted it sold. Does the US 'base unit' have less standard equipment than the Canadian? Maybe they put iin the lights as an extra incentive? I did not ask for xenon lights but there it was. I did check the US site and I see that fogs are an extra. Perhaps a previous deal on the car went sour? Anyway I am happy with it and I think I got a good deal on the car at $26468/= eb
US was the only country (well ok Japan in 2006) to get factory HID lights. The rest of the world got halogens only. For Gen II, our base model is better equipped than the U.S base model. Which dealer did you buy it from? Please don't say Sherwood Park Toyota. $26k is good. Toyota was offering $2k off and only one dealer in Edmonton was offering an additional $2k off.
What does it mean when the dealers tells you "The vehicle is currently at our zone warehouse, should be here soon." Dealer is based in Peterborough Soon would it be a couple of days, weeks ? It is almost like Xmas, need to know how many sleeps until we get the car Plates are on order, still tracking down a good price on insurance
Strange… I always thought we were a nation half British and half French… As Lower Canada slowly shrink in proportion, we tend to forget us… I would rephrase that: a nation half American and half European! So… a Canadian-Québécois (this can get confusing sometimes) from Montréal here. Averaging arround 4.3 L/100km (part city/part highway commute, if you can call a Montréal autoroute a highway, with all the traffic!). But hey! This morning I got an average of 3.6 L/100Km as the fall traffic is back this week. Being from Québec city, I guess I’ll finally learn to love the traffic in Montréal with my Prius!
When I was looking in the GTA area they told me they can get one from their GTA depot. I assume depot or zone warehouse mean the same thing - some central area lot where they can draw inventory from. I see more and more Pri in the Peterborough area ...wave if you see me in my Seaside Pearl and good luck. Gabe
It means it's in the Ontario region. Each region has a "zone warehouse" where all the vehicles are stored before being distributed to the local dealers. lol. Je suis désolé! Nice! I got my VIN but they keep saying it's at Port (i.e. Vancouver). Umm.... it'll be nice if it was already in the Zone Warehouse by now not really. I just wave whenever I can. I only got one or two waves back
Hey Tideland OK so I won't mention names but what's wrong or good about Sherwood Park Toyota? I also got the 3M and mats in the price. Shall let you know what my mileage is when I return. eb
Mon Ami Where have you been?, Canada has people from every ethnic group in the world and every shade and colour(English spelling), and I am happy that it is so, it shows the rest of the world that we can all get along if we try hard. Yes, in the process there will be times when we some times we do not get along as well as we should but that happens among family members in all families, so it is expected to happen among the different ethnic groups that make up our great nation and it is this diversity that makes us all distinct, as a nation. This is how we should see our selves, as a nation, united from sea to sea to sea. One can say that the US is just as diverse ethnically but there their approach is to make an American American out of all their people, whereas we value the diversity and the multi cultural aspects of our society, we are first of all Canadian and yet we still preserve and have our own cultural differences to be proud of. In time the future generations of our now diverse young peoples may eventually blend into one, what with inter-marraiges and all that and that too will be interesting to watch (if I should live that long). eb
OMG... "Where have you been?" -- Québec. Je comprends très bien cette vision du Canada, celle de P.E.T., sans y adhérer complètement. Je faisais simplement référence à l'Acte de l'Amérique britanique et à la constitution originale de 1867. Je suis heureux que la reine Victoria ait suffisamment craint l'alliance des Canadiens français avec les Américains pour nous laisser notre religion, notre code civil et notre langue... et je préfère de loin être Canadien qu'être États-unien! :focus:
Kind of late to the party here....coming from the GTA. Anybody else from the area? Would like to have a PC meet somewhere in the GTA if more people are willing.