You know, If money is your primary concern, or even secondary, then you'll have to make a decision about whether or not you feel the SR is worth the cost. A. It is the only way to get the sun roof (I personally love the breeze with the roof open and the windows cracked just a bit). B. The SR does work. If you are disappointed that the inside isn't 78 on a day when it is 86 out and sunny, then don't get it. C. If you want one of the coolest, latest technology for the masses, really good looking (granted, my subjective opinion) options for your car, then go with the SR. There are virtually no people I know of that have the SR that regret it now! Others question its value, that is their right and they bring up some good points but I just really like the look, the open roof, and the fact that I think my interior will be better off in the long run if it never gets up to 140 in there!
Oh yeah, The proof of the desirability of the SR option is by the PRIUS team itself. The admitted that they grossly underestimated the demand for the option and that is why they are so hard to get right now! So, apparently, many people agree with me and really like the SR! Chances are, you won't now be able to test the option as any coming in are presold! Try to find someone (maybe through PC) who would be willling to let you see and try theirs! Summer trip to the Grand Canyon? PM me and we'll get together!
It definitely works! Is it worth it? To me yes, some other people may have doubts. Between leaving the car in the sun or looking for a shade, the shade is the best option always. In the low 90s Florida summer, in mid day sun (with the heatshield on) you always get into a hot car, but without it you would be getting into a real oven. In previous cars after a couple of hours in the mid day sun I had to get in the car, turn the engine on, the AC on and wait at least 5-10 minutes to get in. Otherwise I would be sweating immediately and the car would be unbearable for a long time... Specially on your behind and back where the AC does not reach... My previous car had ventilated seats which worked very well on the bottom but the ventilated air (if the AC is on it is getting cool air in) was not getting well into the back and it was uncomfortable for a long time, but day and night compared to no ventilated seats. The SR plus the AC remote is a good alternative, but make sure the air vents are pointing into your seat (and not the roof) to get the backs cooled down before you get in...
Seconding your point C. I don't necessarily know how the solar roof works on my car yet, (does it run the normal AC system until it is out of battery or something then go ambient?). Anyway, I've got a Blizzard Pearl package III, and the solar roof makes the car look really great compared to a regular roof.
I ran the solar vent system once in the week I've had the car but honestly; I just LOVE a sunroof on a car. I often use that instead of AC; I do worry that using it may cut my better mpgs but still; one of the reasons I would never get serious about a Prius in the past was the lack of a sunroof. I live in the more mountainous portion of East Tennessee and it is a real joy to drive through the mountains with a sunroof me crazy; it's just something I love in a car. Blue 2010 IV; w/sunroof/navigation.... PS The car really does look great when the roof goes back; the wind shield for the sunroof is built into the roof and pops up when the roof opens.
I am guessing, thinking mine wasn't running when I got in the other day that when the battery gets low, the A/C won't run. Something I did notice this evening which does confirm that when parked in the son, the ventilation works well. However, the afternoon son was not shinning on my car and the ventilation wasn't on. It was 93 outside and was quite warm. This would be a good time to remember and start the A/C. Of course I didn't remember to. Working on that problem. --Mickey
Speaking to cracked windows, reminds me of a time I left mine cracked in my Gen II. When getting my windshield replaced, rather than calling me out to unlock the car, the guy simply stuck something in through a cracked window to operate the power door lock button, gaining access to my car. The window was open < 1". He had legitimate reason to be in my car, but I was irked that he didn't wait for me, and that he could get in so easily if he tried! Probably one of the biggest motivators to get SR - to keep ventilation w/o opening windows.
Is it working properly I've only managed to "catch" it working two or three times in the 5 weeks since I bought it. Partly it's because it's rained a lot and been overcast recently, but there have been a number of sunny days when I've parked it in the sun. Each time when I had "caught" the fans working, it was just for a few seconds before turning off. I had assumed that somehow I was always catching it at the end of its cycle. However, yesterday, when I returned to the car, the fans were not running. I decided to wait a little while and then I heard the motor starting and felt the fan running for a full..... 4 or 5 seconds... before switching off. That hardly seems enough time to do anything! It was a clear sunny day but not extremely hot, so the car interior wasn't that hot, but it hadn't been parked that long either. Is it normal that the fan only runs for a few seconds at a time? Maybe I need to clean the roof off properly. I am parked under a tree at home so it gets a lot of stuff on it all the time. What should I finish it with after washing?
Re: Is it working properly I believe the fans will not come on until the car has been stopped for more that 10 minutes; then the fan runs based on the amount of power it is getting from the solar panel (also dependant on the amount of direct sunlight). Mine works great for the rare times that I park it outside.
A colleague at work has a SR Prius, and she parks in the same lot as I do. I plan to run a series of tests, comparing the interior temperature in her car with those in mine (no SR). When I get back into my car after it is in the sun, I open all the windows for the first few blocks, if I can. Then I close them and let the AC do its job. I think that after a few blocks, the interior temperature will have lowered considerably. It will be interesting to check this as well. I have a datalogging heat monitor that I will set up in the cars, and access to several Priuses that will park in the same lot. I am working on the protocol now, to make it easier to use the meter. This will take a while to set up, but once I collect some data, I will share it.
Re: Is it working properly The interior wasn't hot. Wasn't that the point? It will cycle the fans if there isn't enough solar power for continuous operation. I've caught it doing a continuous operation (I stayed inside the car. That was the longest and hottest 10 mins of my life) and it worked. I stayed cooler once the fans were on.
I live in Oklahoma and the solar panel ventilation system has been working great. It's a huge difference getting into the Prius with some air already blowing in it. Although I simply got it because I wanted the nav system, the solar panel has been really nice to have.
i posted that the fans dont run all the time. even in full sun, mine will still cycle but at much higher duty %. i tracked mine one day around 9 PM. still sun out, but at a very low angle. on time was about 20-30%. if you are seeing significantly less than this with decent sunlight, i would have it checked, clean the solar panel. a coating of dust will reduce the amount of energy absorbed. i was sitting out in my car earlier today at work. the fan was doing pretty much as you stated. comes on for 5-10 seconds (sometimes less) and at very low speed. but it was also 60º out with less than spectacular sun.
It has been hot here in SoCal and I love the SR!! It is so wonderful to get into the car and not get the blast furnace in your face. Plus I love driving with it open anytime of day but especially at night!
Re: Is it working properly lol. The prairies is much like the midwest. We get low-mid 30s, dry heat (unless there's a moisture feed from the Gulf of Mexico.. then we get the big supercells and tornadoes). Heck, even southern Ontario can get pretty hot. Last year, it was the mid 30s with the humidex in the low 40s (again, thanks to the Gulf for all the moisture)
Finally I caught it working as I expected. Strange thing is, it wasn't that sunny today, and was quite overcast when I returned to the car and found the fans running. It was on for at least a minute...I waited for it to turn off but eventually got hot and tired of waiting.
If Toyota had done their math right, they have have seen that the most efficient way to cool the car down is by extraction of the hot air, not bringing air into the car. There is not enough venting allowed for in the bodywork to get the air out, so it builds up and actually causes a small positive pressure buildup in the car which actually increases the heat. There is a new product coming out next year (March 2010) called Cool Breeze. It works by extracting 300 CFM of hot air out of the roof of the vehicle, and uses solar power. It will work in lower light than the Toyota version because the solar panel produces twice the power that the fans (yes multiple fans) need, and they are almost completely silent. There is also a 570 CFM system for larger vehicles. However any system that works by moving air will only get the interior to the ambient air temp around the vehicle, and humidity is still a problem. Cool Breeze will cost around $400.00 + fitting, and will fit multiple car types including the Prius, including other Toyota cars, and it will fit in just like a pop up sunroof.
So you're telling me that if I have the car on (i.e READY and running) and I have the fan (no A/C) running, I'm gonna increase the heat in the car?