I was wondering about Howard Stern and Playboy. So that's extra? So of a rip-off. I've seen all kinds of pricing. My notice quotes two different prices for a year. I went online and it's even more. Does anyone know if you hold out until the end, will they sweeten the deal?
The 100m a year is not his salary. I think that's what he gets to delegate for everyone's salaries on his network.
I certainly could be wrong (my wife will attest to it!), but I'm pretty sure that Howard's deal was $500M for 5 years, and everyone else on the show negotiated their own contracts separately. Some of that $500M might have included stock options, and the stock is currently trading at a small fraction of what it was when he signed with Sirius, so who knows what his compensation package is worth now. Nonetheless, he is one wealthy dude. On a hybrid related note, Robin (Howard's sidekick) mentioned a few years ago that she was driving an RX400h. I wonder if she still has a hybrid.
I don't think any deal they offer would be better than the $77 a year deal I mentioned a few posts up. That's $6.41 a month, quite a bit lower than the standard subscription. It's that new royalty fee that just ruins everything IMO...
The royalty fee in question is to pay performance rights to RIAA because the recording industry can't figure out how to survive in the age of illegal music downloads. And none of us has ever downloaded a song online, right? Didn't think so... b
Right they cannot make billions. I new movie comes out and you buy the CD with all songs for something like $12.00 to $20.00. But the movie comes out out DVD you buy for $15.00. It cost $100,000,000 to make the movie and $25,000 for a song. Now they get a $1.00 to $2.00 per radio per month, who many millions of radios are there.
If you really like your trial subscription and want to avoid the monthly fee, just keep your radio off for a few months. When you turn it back on, the sat radio will still work.
I tried to add Best of Sirius to my trial last night but I am not in their system yet. Weird. I guess I should call today. I think Howard is off AGAIN this week anyway.
I did it over the phone. I don't think it's possible online with a trial subscription. And Congrats on the new ride!
Thank you!!! I am so excited! There was something on the xm site that said "if you have a trial and would like to add best of Sirius, click here." But maybe calling would be better.
I must say as a new member to this site, and a moderator on another forum, you gotta love the search feature! I was going to ask this very question after taking delivery of my 2010 IIINV this weekend. I received the exact info I was looking for without having to wait for an answer! Thanks all! =)
XM Radio everyone. I want some advice from those of you who have formed an opinion about this. I have a 2007 Prius, package 6, I think it was. My husband just bought a 2010 Prius and we have been going on long rides in it and enjoying XM radio. I am thinking of buying a Toyota XM base and fit kit from Metro Toyota and installing it in my 2007. I have an iPod. It has 80 gigs worth of music, etc. but I really like the surprise element of XM and have found nice music for myself. Question: Is it crazy to put $400. into my car (Metro + outside installation ... not dealer... who wants $600. for the whole deal) when Sirius/XM may go belly up in December when their next debt pay back comes due? I read that most new subscriptions come from new car owners who got XM with their cars. Not me. And I don't think I want an exterior radio handing off an air vent. Please let me know what you think? I'd appreciate the advice. Thanks, fern
in my other car i have a XM radio for the last 2 years. just got a new 2010 prius with Sirius in it. Yes, even tho they merged, they are technically different according to the person i talked to at Sirius. I tried to get the discount for 2 accounts but told to get it I would have to switch out the XM radio and get a Sirius radio in the old car. Was this person incorrect and I am stuck?
I'm confused. If your 2010 Prius is a IV, it should have an XM receiver built in (it's included on the III, IV, and V; the II is "satellite ready" meaning you have to purchase the receiver and install it separately). To get a Sirius receiver, you would have had to purchase it as a dealer-install or aftermarket. Assuming you have the XM receiver, you should be able to add it as a second receiver on your existing XM account (after the free 90 trial expires, of course.)
Where do you find the radio ID? I love the XM, and plan to sign-up once my 3 months are over. Pro's and con's of XM: (1) Deoending on the day, my interests can change from rock to jazz to sports to comedy. Can't get that variety (without commercials) on our local FM stations. Most of our FM stations, during normal commuting hours is nothing but talk/blab radio... (2) On my previous car, had been almost exclusively listening to my IPod for music...but after a while, my library of about 500 songs got old and stale. Not the case with XM. (3) Wonderful to have music/news/sports/comedy no matter where I go in the country. I just came back from an extended driving vacation in another car that didn't have XM...and about the only thing to listen to were on AM radio (ie, religious talk, ultra-right-wing and country). Ugh! (4) The only downside is the monthly fee...but so long as it stays around the current price, i will continue to subscribe. My roundtrip comute time is typically 1.5 hours/day, so having a variety of music, etc is important to me.