If I'm reading into what people are "thinking" but not actually posting, it sounds as if.... We would like the NAV + USB = ~ $2030 option (1800 for Nav, $230 for the USB). We would like the home link, to be a separate option available for ~450. (Similar to having the option to have Satellite Radio but not being "forced" to buy it for a year). Being required to have Homelink, and it adding $450 (+ tax) is likely what most people are objecting to.
I don't know. I don't like having to be forced into this Safety Connect thing. And, who knows, if I am forced with it I might purchase a different vehicle. Blue Nissan 370Z? Or, something else.
Can you order w/ just USB and no Safety Connect if you'd like to save the $450, or has your region been excluded from this? **edit** Nevermind - looks like it's USB on III and USB + Safety Connect on IV and V. Guess I'm glad I made it in before that increase as well I'm good w/ USB, but really don't find value in the SafetyConnect service unless it can be proven that it's cellular coverage is better than mine.
Bad enough to have stripped the 3 door Smartkey and Backup Camera out of the package 2 forcing you to package 4 or 5 to get these, and now $680 more of which $450 is for an "option" with a monthly fee. No thanks Toyota! This type of stuff better get corrected or I'll not buy another new Prius. Love my '08 with its package 2 options!
Just speaking for myself but knowing as how one cannot pick and choose options individually with Toyota, I wouldn't have mind paying for the USB as part of my Prius V w/ AT but having to pay for Safety Connect which I know for certain I would not have renewed after the first year would have burned me... I think Toyota's hurdle now is that since these items were not ready at launch they have to somehow make people either accept or want these new features at a higher price than people were either expecting to pay or a higher price than others paid who already have their vehicles...
So... 1. it wouldn't be a concern if they were there at launch and the prices were as they are now from the start 2. that still doesn't change the fact that you're getting something for $680. Yes it's worthless to you because you don't see the value in the two items (I don't see the point of Safety Connect myself but that doesn't change the fact that it's there).
These stupid games with options is the main reason I will never buy another Toyota. Everyone else does it is not an excuse, and Toyota is the worst offender.
Customer: Best vaporware value 2010 I Best value 2010 II Second best value 2010 III Third best value 2010 IV Least value 2010 V Toyota: Best teaser 2010 I Least profit 2010 II Second least profit 2010 III Third least profit 2010 IV Best profit 2010 V The more options added to each the less value for the customer and the more profit for Toyota**. So it is written, so it shall be. **insert auto maker of your choice.
Are you reading what I wrote correctly? Even though I don't see value in Safety Connect, that doesn't change the fact that the $680 increase includes it. You're interpreting it as value for money which means it's $680 for USB (or if you don't care about the USB) then $680 for nothing. Similar but still slightly different thinking.
These are items neither of which I desire nor care to pay for and will likely never use. All I see is that I will get is an increased price for a decreasing value additive.
1 item that has value and one that is a recurring revenue engine for Toyota. The USB has some value. But the price of the Secure Connect only gives you 1 year of service. Then you have to pay more, and more, and more. If I choose not to pay, then I have a $400 brick in my dashboard.
I can understand the frustration over this issue...especially for those (like me) who don't care about these added features. $680 + tax + interest will suddenly make the car $800 more expensive than it was a few days ago. Now throw in the added floor mats you didn't want, the piece of plastic added to the back or the pinstripe and you're looking at an extra $1200-$1500 for stuff that essentially has $0 value to you...
Now that it looks like Safety Connect is going to be required with the SR package, I'm curious about what exactly it provides. According to the press release: When a driver encounters problems on the road, the Safety Connect response center will be available for roadside assistance 24 hours a day via the SOS button. Call center agents will help drivers receive aid for a wide range of needs, such as towing, jump start, flat tire, fuel delivery, etc. With this service, drivers will not need to rely on additional membership organizations for roadside coverage to help them get back on the road. The text makes it sound like I can cancel my AAA if I have Safety Connect, but it doesn't say anything specifically about covering the charges for these services. AAA will tow you so many miles, depending on your plan, and they will also provide basic emergency maintenance. But it sounds like all the Safety Connect is actually doing is making the phone call for you, and then leaving you with the bill. Is this correct?
I do not know the answer regarding who would pay for those services, but I also know that it will include the ability to track the vehicle remotely, and disable it in the event of theft. (I know that it has an immobilizer, but that does not help you if you left the keys in the car, or were 'car-jacked', etc. I know that having this service used once for this would pay for itself. That said, I already have my car, so no Safety Connect for me. However, if it was available, I would like to have it added to mine as a piece of mind. I agree that it is a hard pill to swallow a 'mid-year' price increase, so it may have made a little more sense to wait till the year end to include this, and roll it into a 'model year price adjustment', which somehow seems more tolerable. However, outside of those of us on this blog, I would say that 90% of the people who have not yet purchased a 2010 Prius will not even notice the difference because truth be told, on a $30,000 purchase, $680 really is not that large of a difference (not that I would want to have an increase, but it's here, so I have to deal with it). At the end of the day, this is just one more differentiation between the Prius, and a 'cheap economy box' that they are always compared to. And as a bonus, in the event of an accident, it may help save your life by dispatching aid quickly.
While I am personally irritated having to pay for options I do not want I have omitted my wife from the equation. I'm a Marine with an Alfred E. Neuman "What me worry" attitude, has never seen a doctor except for flight physicals, and I know that my iPhone will always find help if I truly need it. However, my darling wife, the former confident queen of Chicago who was dating the QB of the Chi Bears when I met her in the 70's, is now a 63 year old woman cancer survivor who is far more realistic than I will ever be. We had a long discussion about the value of emergency and roadside services last night and mutually decided that as long as we'll be driving our Prius well into the sunsets of our lives we might as well have that little extra peace of mind. I spent more on golf clubs in the last six months than I'll pay for Toyota's roadside services until I'm dead. In the long run, at least for my particular family, it's a bargain.
I don't know about all the other options, but one thing I can comment on is the "$1000 for JBL stereo" you mention. You are basically describing the difference between the model II and III. I had looked at this carefully when I bought my car, and the difference is actually more than just the JBL Stereo. JBL Stereo (w/ 6CD changer vs. 1CD) XM Satellite Receiver Bluetooth Speakerphone Steering Wheel with Phone Controls Break those down, and you can probably assign $250 charge for each item. So technically the JBL is just $250, XM is $250, Speakerphone is $250, and replacement Steering Wheel is $250. In my humble opinion, very reasonable for what you get. Rick