I know Bob and Priuspilot are pilots, I'm a pilot (though I haven't flown for almost 5 years now :x Anyway, I thought it would be fun to see how many of us Prius owners are also licensed pilots, maybe post a little about your 'pilot self'. I got my ticket while living in Alaska, where flying is a way of life. I didn't do any night flying until about 6 months after I got my certification b/c there wasn't enough "night" to do it until November! I got my tail dragger endorsment about a year later in a 1957 Taylor Craft, canvas wings, coat hanger with a cork for a fuel guage, speedometer in MPH, no flaps, no trim tabs, but pure joy in flying. I flew with the Alaska Civil Air Patrol a bit and got to fly a 172XP for a bit and had a couple turns at the controls of a DeHavilland Beaver--if you ever get a chance to play in one of those take it, what a docile machine. One of my favorite things was taking family and friends on flights over the glaciers and around the mountains that were at the edge of the valley we lived in. You could fly over the Knik river and spot the Beluga Whales migrating, and the color of the water deposited on the glaciers is indescribably beautiful. I only flew into class C airspace a few times and never anything higher, most often I was just talking to myself as I called out my turns on approach to the little airport I usually flew out of. I think I miss it a bit......
So far, we have 4 pilots here, and a very happy soon-to-be one here. I have been taking my lessons at OCBC in Orange County's John Wayne Airport. I am still 15 and am very happy to turn 16 because I get to get my license to drive my new silver #9 AND solo!!! Brian
When I was 16 I had a student pilot license. I flew solo before getting a drivers license. Then circumstances changed and I had to quit flying and never got a private pilot license. That was 39 years ago. Don't know if you'd want to count that or not.
I always wanted to fly, but feared the costs of getting into it would be prohibitive here in OC - Brian - if you don't mind me asking, is the flight school you're attending at SNA reasonable?
My father is a corporate pilot and his father is a pilot (retired). I guess something happened to where it skipped my genes or something, but I have always enjoyed going up with my father and he's let me takeoff on several occasions and land once or twice (that's the hard part ). He was hardly ever in town during my early childhood due to his job (Stevens Aviation) - probably gone 4 nights a week I'd say. Then he took a new job when I was 7 that he's been at ever since and his schedule became much more open. Nowadays he flies maybe 2 days a week on average and fills up the rest of his time in the yard and serving as a substitute school bus driver when someone doesn't show up at 5am for their route since he had the time and his CDL (got it so he could drive the Boy Scout bus which he's also become very active in since my brother and I have moved away). I do feel sorry for him though when he calls me and subtly drops into the conversation that he'll be stuck in someplace like Cancun or Aspen. Poor guy gets paid fulltime salary to do it, too. He's earned it, though. He definitely put in his time.
Can't speak for OC, hopefully Brian can give you some usable numbers. But, I got my license for under $2000....and when I got mine $2000 seemed to be the going rate. There's actually enough competition in the industry that costs stay down, plus, instructors get paid peanuts to keep costs down. I think the bigger expense you have to think about is the keeping up your certification money. AVgas is up in price so I suspect are hourly fees. New fees have been put on a lot of airports and increased difficulty with FAA may have caused some increases. In any case, at one point my wife and I were discussing my monthly "play money" budget. To fly 5 hours a month I figured nearly $500/month that it would cost me. That's a big part of why I haven't been flying--that $500 can be for playing in a plane or put toward retirement--it's going to retirement at the moment. But DAMN I miss flying. If you think you want to do it, then do it, get your ticket, fly a bit. If it becomes your passion then the cost will be reasonable, if it isn't a passion, then you've lost little and still had a unique experience. Besides, you want to be ready when the 2008 flying Prius that goes 100 miles, in the air, on a gallon of water comes out!! :lol:
That's a high side estimate, but it varies with location, type of plane, whether you pay for gas or it's included in the hourly rate. Insurance, etc. I THINK I paid $55-65/hour for the 172 I flew most of the time in Alaska 5+ years ago, but that was a place that there were a LOT of small private planes, I think the lower 48 it's a bit more costly. I'm sure some of the others should be able to give a more accurate idea.
I got my licence July of 1999. When I started I was living about 3 miles away from the county airport (http://www.airnav.com/airport/KCHU) I've since moved so now I am about 20 miles away. I belong to a flying club, which is set up as a not-for-profict corporation. We own 3 airplanes, a Cessna 150, 172 and 177. Right now the 150 rents for $30/hr wet, and the four seaters are $40/hr wet. (tach time) There is a joining fee (you buy a share in the corporation) and monthly dues. $60/month, but you can use $20 of that towards flying) Our website seems to be down. The local FBO is probably $70/hr (hobbs) for a 4 seater (plus tax). Actually that FBO is closer to me but I still prefer the club. I didn't fly a lot last summer due to rod construction, and I've only flow once this year (April1 - no fooling), but plan on doing some more this year. Brian
But you won't need a pilot license for that. You'll just tell the NAV where you want to go, verbally, by street address, and it will do the flying. The bad part is that water is going to cost $50 a gallon.
I went through the training but the FAA wouldn't approve me (even though I did solo...) because I'm severely color-deficient. (Brown-Red-Green) But does that count as a pilot? I think the original post was how pilots are attracted to the Prius.
I have had my comm/inst CFI MEL SES since '85. I learned to fly from Leadville CO's airport, field elev 9927'. I always thought a 172 with 2 people was supposed to take 3000' to liftoff until I flew from a sea-level field! I actually got the idea to look into the Prius while eavesdropping on some fellow pilots gloating about one they just drove while at the local FBO. Good idea for a thread!
Hi All, I have a PP-SEL that I earned while in high school by working at an FBO and flying when there was money available. I'm currently on track to become an air traffic controler. ~Andrew
Andrew, I was an Air Traffic Controller for 8 yrs (87-95). I quit after being transferred and realized the job was burning me out, not the location. It's a great job if you don't mind going to the same place to work with the same people day-in day-out. I need to be out and about or I get bored. I should've stayed in flying. The entry procedures have changed quite a bit I imagine. How close are you to starting, do you know? Will you have choice af where you go?
Hello to the Prius Pilots. I am a retired Army Aviator with a few thousand hours fixed and rotary flight. Last tour was Armed Helicopters in Vietnam '66-'67. Last military flight was in a Dehaviland Beaver. Retired 1967. Bob
Jonathan, The entry procedures may have changed a bit, but not much I imagine. Controler canidates now have to take the ATSAT amongst other requirements to be considered for training at the academy in Oklahoma City. I'm currently enrolled in a CTI (collegiate training initiative) school that will hopefully improve my chances for getting selected. I will graduate in less than two years and hopefully luck will be with me and I will be selected. It's funny you should mention becoming burned out and being frustrated with doing the same thing day in and day out. In the past few weeks I have been (maybe going through a crisis) reconsidering my whole career and life track. I'm really worried what might happen if I feel the need to get out and about. I sort of lacking reassurances that everything will work out right now. To speak crazy for a moment, I wish I could get some sort of career dealing with hybrid cars. I would work for Toyota, but I don't think there are many jobs here in the US except for sales and marketing. It's scary but my Prius love sometimes seems greater than my love for aviation. ~Andrew
Private Pilot -- SEL Inst. ~1600 hrs. Angel Flight Pilot volunteer I think a lot of pilots love technology for technology's sake. Carl
htmlspinnr said: I think that the people ther are very nice. I think that it is around $9,000 for license and training, and books and such. I am very happy with the weather when I fly there too. It is fun to have a light sprinkle when we're up. Brian
I got my single engine, land license in 79 in Oakland, CA. At the time, a Cessna 152 rented for about $22/hr wet. Loved flying over GG bridge and up the coast to the Nut Tree Airport. I got bored though and played with hang-gliders first then real gliders - now THOSE are challenging! Flying a hang-glider is like flying in your dreams: nothing below you, pretty quiet. Only miss it sometimes....