I work in a maximum security prison, & we have inmates from a nearby minimum facility brought in to maintain the grounds. This morning I turned into the row where my assigned parking place is, and as I made the turn in my 2010 Prius I saw an inmate kneeling on the ground, picking up branches that had blown down in a storm last night. I was lucky to stop before I hit him. I rolled down my window & said, "Good thing I saw you down there." He looked up at me & answered, "Oh, I would have heard your engine before you got close enough to hurt me." "No, you wouldn't. It's an electric engine." "I still would have heard you." At that point I took my foot off the brake & rolled silently toward him. His eyes got real wide & he said, "Yeah, I guess it is good you saw me!"
Reminds me of the scene from Weeds were U-turn talks about how good a Prius would be for a driveby...haha
When he gets out he will probably get one and use it to sneak up behind female pedestrians, reach out the window and grab their purse.