Revenge by way of Krazy Glue for wayward husband I guess there are Super Glue applications one can never least men would not want to imagine.
I think we already covered this scary topic Makes me glad to be happily single
I am guilty of glueing my husband member to his stomach while he slept, because he cheated on me and slept like a baby.. he spent the next day at the hospital, I used 3 tubes of superglue and it made headline in Key west. I guess it was better then the first thought i had.
Sandy, I think you win the Prius Chat girls gone wild award. On behalf of all of the men in this group we can appreciate your anger, skills and initiative.
I live in Manassas, VA, and every couple of weeks drive by the Tastee-Freez, and the grassy area near there where Lorena threw John Wayne Bobbitt's dis-membered member. [ame=]John and Lorena Bobbitt - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/ame]
What a PRICKly situation! I bet they had a DICKens of a time getting him un-stuck. You have to wonder how HARD the emergency room had to work. But it sounds like everything CAME out OK in the end. He paid a very STIFF penalty for fooling around!