<<UPDATE>> I was surprised to see that less than 1/3rd of Prius owners consider the green factor as the primary motivator for their purchase. (Makes one wonder about Toyota's current advertising campaign). Based on the poll above, it looks like the frugal factor is the leader. But considering where the Prius is on the pricing scale, I think one must draw a distincition between inexpensive and economical. Especially since the tech and green factors contribute much to the core appeal. <<END OF UPDATE>> I'm just going to say it. I am not green. I do not recycle. I don't bike, walk, save grocery bags, pick up trash, buy carbon offsets, plant trees, etc. While I appreciate efficiency, and certainly do not purposefully pollute or damage the enviornment, I don't do anything particular to stop it, fix it, or curb my footprint. There. I said it. I have, however, driven a Prius for 8 years. I waited 18 months for a first Gen Prius that I ordered when it first came out back in 2000. Why? Because I like the cool "futuristic" technology, and not being chained to a gas station. So with all that being said, I wonder if I am alone here. If you had to say what was the primary reason for choosing your car, what would it be? See poll above.
Very similar here. I bought it because our other car for the family is an Odyssey. We figure MPG as a household issue and expense. Buying the Prius allowed our total household MPG to go way up and thus cash flow is a little easier on us. Combine the two cars and we get mid 30s in total MPG. I also like the "newer" tech and the overall different approach the Prius brings to energy management. That makes it fun for me. The family also loves the quirky looks - some think they are ugly, we think they are endearing. Maybe it is the newness, but the Odyssey has all the bells and whistles with DVD movies, etc.; HOWEVER, the kids always want to take the new Prius instead.
No of course not but many of us are closet greenies. Be prepared to be flammed. We were looking to replace our 97 Camry (125K) as it was due for some major fixes. At first I was thinking another Camry but soon found out the Prius had grown and was considered mid-sized, more power than before, better TCS, etc. It seemed like a no-brainer with all that and awesome MPG. It fit like a glove so to speak.
I don't recycle like I should but do have a low-flow shower head, and CFLs in my frequently used lamps. I could select any of these poll options and justify it. Another poll choice - I drive a hybrid so I can use the HOV lane by myself in rush hour traffic. That was the first motivation.
I am much in the same group as the 2 of you. I am not a greenie, per say, though I do walk and bike to do local errands when possible, and combine trips, but that's mainly about lowering my expenses. We also have an Odyssey to go with our 2010 Prius. Dependence on foreign oil, high MPG is a "hobby", tech/gadget aspect of Prius are primary reasons I bought one.
I would like to think that I'm a little of all of the reasons above. However, Big oil, refiners and wall street speculators are my enemies, foreign or domestic. They have made it plain enough money is all they care about, so my Prius is my declaration of war. That's about as polite as I can put it.
My Prius purchase was completely for fuel costs. I drive 60 miles per day round trip and estimated that I would save over $100 month in gas alone over my 96 Crown Victoria that got 18MPG. (I used $2.50/gal estimate for gas and 50MPG for Prius mileage). I received $4500 from Obama with cash for clunker deal! On the flip side, the Prius will not fit my 4 kids and wife. She has an Ford Expedition to tote the kids around town for activites, doctor appts, school, etc. We use the Ford Excursion for family trips and also for food shopping. You wouldn't believe how much food you need to buy to feed 4 children and 2 adults.
Although I like to help the environment and go green, I must admit to like the latest in technology and gadgets. Don't really know how long I'll keep the Prius which is now on order before getting my next toy; maybe 2 years max.
I need an All of the Above choice. I do: recycle, want to reduce my carbon output, want to reduce dependence on foriegn oil without destroying our coastlines or the arctic, have CFLs in my lamps, use reusable grocery bags, compost kitchen and garden waste, (I don't bicycle because I never learned how ) and I love new technologies and saving $$ on gas!! But I'm cool with those that only take one of those steps....sooner or later you'll take one more, then another, and another... :bump2:
Definitely just for the tech. If the V with ATP didnt exist, I doubt I would have even looked at the Prius.
All the options are more or less true for me, but the most important reason to buy the 2004 Prius were the gadgets. And the most important reason to order the 2010 were the improvements that were made.
I do consider myself to be a "green" person. I'm not perfectly "green", but I try to place my footprint wherever I can. Buying a Prius certainly helps the cause right now. It's not the best technology, but it is the best of what's available right now. Plus you get lots of additional benefits, like the new tech gadgetry which keeps it all interesting. Our corporations are not interested in "saving our planet" so it's up to each individual to do their little part in some way. Thanks for listening
We are as green as we can be. The Prius was another step. We have CFL's & LED lights in the house. Haven't used AC yet this year, fans are fine. and it all offsets the 22mpg I get in my Trans Am The technology of the Prius also doesn't hurt!
I don't consider myself green, though I do recycle, use energy saving light bulbs, open the windows instead of using air conditioning, and use an electric lawn mower. Mostly I purchased the Prius to be frugal. I'm not under any delusion that a Prius saves money via gas savings; to save money I should just have kept my 1994 Accord. However I can purchase a Prius and comfortably park next to the BMW's, Mercedes, and Lexuses in the parking lot. The savings compared to purchasing a Lexus is at least 20k! I'm definitely not vegetarian anymore!
I am sort of green, not totally green but on the green side. You might say I’m a lazy green. I don’t bike (not really a good place where I live), I do have a couple of those reusable grocery bags which sometimes I actually use. I don’t plant trees, but I just won a rosebush and will probably plant it this weekend. (On the other hand, a number of trees popped up in my small backyard St. Francis garden. I haven’t removed them.) I bought my first Prius back in 2002. I had moved back to Long Island from Key West and still had a little Key West Car; a Geo Metro. Basically that car got 150 miles per tank and my first job was a 50 mile one way commute. So aside from the tech, the MPG, the Gen 1 Prius had a bigger gas tank. Later access to the HOV lane via Clean Pass was a good plus. The navigation package was also a good plus, at the time. I got my second Prius because it looked neat and my first Prius was 165K miles old. And to be honest, now that I am 48 years old, this is as close to a Mid Life Crisis – Geek Friendly – Green but Sporty car as I can reasonably afford. Plus the fact that having a Bluetooth system in the car that actually works reasonably well is sort of nice. (Still have to upgrade my phone, one email message and I can’t dial because the phone is busy wanting to know if I want to read the email.)