You said you agreed to the cheaper ATP package. There is no cheaper ATP package. Did he tell you what the cheaper package included? Because $1800 is just the Navigation package.
Probably just a case of a dealer lying. But if there was a problem that Toyota was trying to downplay. They could stop production while they work on the issue, meanwhile existing inventory would still exist. This is a big enough issue that I'm sure we will hear about it. If there is a problem people who already have the ATP will be getting recall notices. If it is a dealer lying....the OP if he communicated clearly that he wanted a PKG 5 with ATP probably has a case against the dealer.
You are answering your own questions here... If you contract has the 'Advanced Technology package' written on it, and the car you received did not have the 'Advanced Technology Package' on it, then the dealer has not yet fulfilled the contract. Until this is resolved, or a new contract is written, with a new price for a non-ATP model, I would let the dealer know that they have not fulfilled their obligation to you from the contract. That said, all other kidding aside, in this day of various shootings, often predicated by people posting about it online, I would not even joke about a gun, or anything that could ever be conceivably construed as a threat or weapon. While I am personally a gun owner, I would never make such a joke for fear of legal reprisals. Besides all these issues with the car, I know how you feel. I really wanted a V with ATP, but I wanted to get it as soon as possible, and ended up settling for a V with Navi instead, and get saddened when reading all the great stuff here by folks who do have it. At least I still have a GREAT CAR!
I am not trying to be rude. When you ordered the car you should have been given the price for the car with all the options. It should have been. Prius V $27,270 Destination $750 Floor mats $200 NAV $1,800 ATP $4,500 Total $34,520 If it was sub $30,020 they quoted you the car with out ATP
OK, seriously, are you people on drugs? _______ I _______ didn't make the original post about guns, and I'm not threatening anyone, nor have I ever in my life. I'm out of here. Peace.
I would call the dealership right now and ask to speak to the GM. Tell them you know they are lying to you and you demand a car with the ATP. Tell them you are reporting them to the BBB and contacting a lawyer to report the fraud. Sounds like they had your current one in stock (how many miles were on it, maybe they lied to someone else as well and it was returned) and lied to you to get you to take it home. That's what some car salesmen do. They lie about what they can order so that you will buy what they have available on the lot. I don't know about the whole gun thing either. Just ignore it. Many of us are trying to help you.
Did you get a Vehicle Inquiry Report on your car before signing the papers? Did it have the ATP listed as a line-item with the MSRP price of $4500 or whatever it is? On your purchase order does it list the words, exactly, "Advanced Technology Package"? If so, what is the price listed? Does the sticker have the words, "Advanced Technology Package" on it? Does it list the price on that? I guess what I'm confused about is whether you eventually agreed (legally) to purchase the vehicle you drove home (i.e., a V w/out ATP) or whether you signed all documents with all impressions that it did include the ATP but that the delivered car did not meet the specifications in the contract. You were not clear about this. If you negotiated for an ATP but then signed the papers for a car w/out ATP (as listed on the invoice) then you really have no claim because you simply bought a different car than you negotiated for. If you bought a car with every impression, including listing on invoice, that it was with ATP but that it did not have ATP then you have a much stronger case.
+1 with a priori's advice. To the person who said get a lawyer right away, I say ouch, that may be a needless expense, if the dealer sees you are serious and is willing to make it right. I'm a lawyer, but I don't see any harm in having one face to face with a manager at the dealership to try to resolve the issue, as long as you don't lose your cool, and you document the discussion. Of course, with behavior this blatant, that discussion may go nowhere, at which point you can get a lawyer involved. One advantage to seeing a lawyer is that they are trained to separate facts from law, and focus on and bring out all the relevant facts. As evidenced by OP's original post, people sometimes have difficulty telling the whole story, and separating inconsequential facts from relevant facts. The other advantage is that the lawyer can explain the respective legal rights of the parties under the contract. Obviously, most people don't understand all the legalese in their contracts. a priori - do you have an opinion on OP having a discussion with the dealer prior to bring in the hired gun?
NO, NO, NO! The V comes with EITHER the NAV or ATP package, not both. The ATP package includes the NAV packages PLUS the additional advanced technology bonuses: Lane Keep, Dynamic Cruise Control, Parking Assist, etc. (Or you could buy it without either to get the LED headlights, 17" wheels, and other basic V goodies.)
... My apologies. I know you are all helping. I'm probably going to keep the car as is and enjoy it. And save a few thousand that I didn't need to spend anyway. It's all good. Beautiful car either way.
My guess is to what happened was that he wanted a V w/ATP. Dealer tells him they don't make them anymore because there were problems, but they have one with a cheaper ATP. What I am unclear on is if the dealer described exactly what the cheaper ATP included because he has not answered that question. What that package really is is the NAV package. $1800. So the OP goes ahead and buys the car thinking that is his only option with a V. Basically, the OP is pretty much stuck with the car. He bought it under the assumption that there is no true ATP package anymore. So he knowingly bought it without the package. It's just like how many people are now going to dealerships asking for a III or IV with solar being told they do not make them anymore. The dealer probably knows it will take months for a V w/ATP to arrive. The OP is doing C4C, most likely the program will be over by the time the car arrives. So he lies to get him in another car and get the deal done.
It would be nice if people could resolve their conflicts themselves. But many people just don't have the patience, thoroughness, and stubbornness that a good lawyer will have. If the OP was the lawyerly type, all the information would have been forthcoming in his/her first post. And besides, there are a lot of out-of-work attorneys out there right now that would be happy to write a letter for next to nothing.
There's a Blizzard Pearl V with ATP on the ground, just today, at my dealer in a SET region (per the online inventory--was showing 8/11 due in prior to today). Tint, all weather mats, Toyoguard Plus, $33942 The SET Build Your Own still lists ATP as an accessory, $4500. It's not gone here AFAICT.
So looks like the mystery is solved. Let me see if I got this right: OP negotiates for a V with ATP. When car arrives dealer makes some stuff up about how they aren't making any with ATP and offers the NAV package instead because that is all that arrived. OP agrees and buys the V with NAV because he had no choice, which is cheaper than with ATP. It seems clear the dealer had some underhandedness going on but nothing more than usual. The dealer wanted to make a sale NOW and made a few embellishments to convince the OP to sign on the dotted line, which he/she eventually did. The lesson seems to be: don't take what dealers say for face value. Do your research. In the end, it is up to you to understand what you are buying. I understand that the OP had no choice but to take what was delivered. It is unfortunate but unless he signed for papers with ATP, there doesn't seem to be much he can do.
No, you are wrong. I clearly said this. Please read below again. I am not "leaving out" any details nor am I trying to deceive anyone. I asked for and was promised a type 5 with ATP. (verbally). The only thing I was told that I could not get the color I wanted because I had to take the one that was coming on the truck. (or forfeit the clunker deal - because we would have to special order and it would take weeks or a month or more). When the car arrived, no ATP. I said where is the ATP? Dealer said: exact quote: "They [toyota] had technology problems with that. Its no longer available. I can't even order it." Those were his exact words. So I was left with a choice. Leave with NO car, and 2 kids waiting and wife who need transportation now. Or .. If you want to believe I am lying, no skin off my nose. I'm not naming the dealer here, so I am not sure what you think I have to gain. I simply came here for more information and confirmation of what I thought.
Wow!!! I was not accusing you of lying. Just trying to get a better understanding of what was going on. There was just confusion as to what happened is all. I think a lot of us like to know the dealership name so that we know not to give them our business.
Now I don't understand. Are you satisfied and just looking for clarification, or do you believe the dealer is trying to pull one over and you didn't get what you were promised? If it's the latter, the written sales contract is all that matters.
Good, no problems then. Sales guy gave you a bit of misinformation, since Toyota is in fact building Vs with AT. We don't know where you are from, but there are regions where it is very hard to find a V or a V with AT. I will note there was one recent thread where the OP was able to swap out to a higher model after the sale, based on the dealer's standard return policy. As you said, you did save some big bucks by not insisting on AT. Enjoy!
I'm not satisfied, that's why I am digging. But.. Not sure what I could really do at this point. Yes, I agreed to the car. Yes, I was lied to. And the biggest problem is that the cars are so much in demand, I can't just easily go get another one. (i did see the comment from someone in NC). I did agree to the car knowing it didn't have a couple of features I asked for. I had already checked the area because of the color issue, not because of this, so I already new I couldn't get anything else. Its livable the way it is. Maybe good that I saved some cash. I did have a lot of questions, but you all have answered them. I'm going to call them today just to see what they have to say.
Lora: I misinterpreted what you said here. I thought you meant I was scamming to get another car, I see you mean the DEALER lied. Sorry, I didn't read it right the first time.