If we're talking about the brightness dial in the lower left of the dash, then yes, it controls the MID. It also prevents the navigation display from going into night mode if you have it set to the highest setting.
I did post a new thread on it a few weeks back. When I first saw it on the pictures I thought it was an overbright display causing it. In in person it still looked like a double image. It didn't seem to matter what angle I looked at the display.
I looked at this while driving into work this morning while it was dark out. In fact yes, I can now see the double image but only when I looked at the display very close up, and I mean very close. So yeah, it is there but not something I would even consider a big problem... I sit with my seat as far back on the rails as it can go though, so maybe because I sit so far back it's just not that noticeable.
I have the double image (I accidentally found the projection before I read about it, cool!) but if I scooch lower in my seat (I'm tall) then it goes away - i.e. lines up. Annoying but livable. I don't notice any difference in brightness with the IPL, at least in my dim garage at 7pm, so that doesn't make a difference for me in the double image. Robbin
Yeah, it's going to happen in a small way. If you center yourself, keep it all clean, (both where you see the speed, and where it is projected from at the bottom in front of the screen) And keep the brightness relevant to the environment, then you will be happier.
Only if I really focus my eyes closely I can see the double image. Besides that while I'm driving I really don't notice it at all.
I think that if you look you'll see that what you are looking at is a reflection. The actual display is in the dash and reflected off of the piece of plastic you see the double image on. I assume this is done so you can have the neat looking holographic representation of the steering wheel buttons. Put your hand on the dash immedately below the speedometer and you will block the display and see what I mean. I think maybe the double image may be the reflection from the front and back of the clear piece of plastic that is the display?
a64pilot is exactly correct. It is a projected image, and I have never seen the display as bad as what was in the earlier post. I would suggest to all those with the 2010 model to ensure that the lower glass area is cleaned with a soft lint free (non scratching) cloth regularly to keep the display as crisp as possible. Since it projects from below, for those who don't keep there car as clean as others may, it could collect some dust in that area. I have not crawled in the headliner to look, but it seems to be good common sense. I wiped mine after I took delivery and it has been sharp. I use a high quality cleaner that is non abrasive and safe on touch screens etc, and wipe it 2 x's a month. At most the most distortion I can detect is if I sit way off to the side, it can be a little more noticeable. But I think the whole concept was to have the holographic representation show up as it does. All in all I think it works well.
I also see the double image. It is most noticeable when the display is bright - ie: during the day when the lights are off and the display is brighter. I was wondering if it was just mine and was going to make a trip to the dealer to take a look at another one. I do find it annoying.
Hi all, I have just got my Prius (1hr ago) and as soon as I turned it on and looked at the dash I noticed the ghost image/double reflection, immediately. Very annoying, honestly speaking - it doesn't look sharp at all. I ask immediately the dealer, before even leaving the place and he looked with me and noticed it and checked on the car they have to use as a test drive. It was there as well. The 2 cars have been built quite some months apart, so it seems it is not a defect, rather so by design. He called immediately the technician and they will ask Toyota for clarifications, as the dealer found that annoying too. If I hear something new, I will let you know. Other than that, the car seems perfect! P-
I have the Prius now since 3 months, and the double image of the display is still there, but I don't notice it anymore. They could improve the design to be ghost-image-free, but in normal driving, there is no time to check it out and the information can be properly be read in all light conditions (better and brighter than in the Gen 2 display, BTW, under harsh sunlight).
I noticed the double vision effect the day I got the car. It's more pronounced at night when the dash is brighter. Trying to get use to it. :dizzy:
Since I haven't noticed it yet, I don't think I'll go looking for it. I've already noticed other things I don't like that I wish I hadn't noticed because they aren't likely going to be fixed on this model year.