Belongs in the "what were they thinking" (or, were they thinking) section if there was one. Full article at: Toyota, Honda target women to revive sales | | The Detroit News " Toyota, Honda target women to revive sales Makiko Kitamura and Kae Inoue / Bloomberg News More than 300 young women, sporting dyed hair and heavy make-up crowded into a Toyota Motor Corp. showroom, peering at a Prius hybrid. It was painted candy-apple red and decorated with rhinestones and heart-shaped pink stickers. "I'm not really interested in cars," said Erika Horiki, 23, wearing a cowboy hat, fringed boots and denim shorts. "But by making us think these cars are cute, it's a step toward becoming curious." see link for rest of article ...
"If I was with my friends and my boyfriend pulled up in a car to pick me up, I'd feel kind of embarrassed," she said. "The idea that having a car is cool is kind of outdated."
I'd be perfectly happy if Toyota would sell in the U.S. the 2010 Prius in non-metallic "Solid White" as they are currently doing in Europe. Keith
Solid white? Did you miss the whole point of this article? Its about time Toyota gives us some FUN colors for a change. Something bright and pretty and cheerful. I've had enough of boring colors like solid white, 10 shades of grey, funeral black, ...
I am always in favor of a wider selection of colors for a car. The more "interesting" the better. Not only does it make it easier to for your car to be "unique" in appearance and stand out in a crowd (of cars)... It`s just more fun. We`re still waiting on our Prius, but I drive THIS now and would love for there to be some sort of bright entertaining color for the Prius too. (Car pictured isn`t mine, but same make, model, and color) Fun colors are fun!
Whatever it takes to sell more Priuses to the public. If Toyota can get 1% more of the population to buy a Prius by offering it with the paint job in this photo, then that means X thousands of more Priuses being sold. And, if they offer ten more fancy paint jobs that each get 1% of the population to buy a Prius, then were up to 11%. That's huge! I think Toyota is onto something here... :welcome::cheer2:
To call Prius paint colors boring is a gross understatement!! But given the typical Prius buyer, that might be a deliberate marketing decision. And Toyota is not known for being an adventurous car company anyway. Nevertheless, spicing up the Prius to appeal to a younger, hipper crowd can't be such a bad move. I would go for a purple one myself.
Now THAT is a nice shade of color, Tamyu! I love it. I think my favorite color would be a 1972 Porsche 914 color: Olympic Blue. It was a beautiful shade of light blue. I know, people are going to say "just go get your Prius painted". But who wants to have to spend an extra $1000?
I think the thing people need to keep in mind is we are talking about a marketing approach being applied in Japan. There is a difference in psychology, socialolgy, culture and economy in Japan as opposed to the US and elsewhere. I don't think this type of marketing would go over well in The US. But I also don't see the same "problem" here. Young Americans love cars. All generations have grown up near the open pavement of a freeway. Toyota has tried to connect with younger buyers through the Scion line, with varying degrees of success, but not much has to be done to get a young person in America to want to drive, or want to have a car. I don't think a feminized fashion show approach to selling a Prius is necessary in The US. As far as the reality of the product? Whatever is available and whatever people want, is fine with me. I don't think the point of the article or the presentation was really to offer a mainstream product, the point was to try and get young Japanese women interested in The Prius. If that takes a fashion show, and a Prius painted candy apple red with stickers? I guess I have no problem with that, but it does seem like Toyota likes to emasculate the Prius at every opportunity.