just put my best $1.99 accessory on "smiling red". that is a small convex mirror mounted on the lower left of the driver side mirror. i have put one on all my vehicles for about 10 years. it makes that blind spot disappear and you can back up better. if you have not tried give it a shot. wouldnt leave home without it fred from nashville
thanks for your response,101. you can get them at any car parts place like auto zone. pep boys etc. seriously , it is really a safe way to go. no surprises from you left lane fred from nashville
I've used blindspot mirrors on my cars for 20 years. The little side convex mirror covers the left back blindspot perfectly. I also fashioned a mirror attached to the far right side of the rearview mirror which covers the right side (can view all the way from the hatch window to the middle of the front passenger window). I glance at them all the time esp when merging. Bought these mirrors at Pepboys but they're sold at all auto supply stores and even Walmart, Target, etc. Money well spent. Att 2 previously posted photos of the mirrors on my '10.
I use them on the Super Duty Ford f250 I have to drive while at work since with the cap on the back (and it has no windows) you cannot see a thing... But I just don't like how they look, especially on my own car. Not saying they don't work, they do, but they're just not for everyone.
Does the Prius mirror defoggers work also on the blindspot mirror? If I see your photo correctly, the blindspot mirror is not round in shape. If so, that would seem to be a better shape than merely being perfectly round like so many blindspot mirrors I have seen on cars(?). Regrettably, I have no Pepboys where I live in CT. Here is my address if you care to use it: [email protected]. Thanks for any help you can give me.
I've used these blindspot mirrors for years. I put one on each side mirror. The right side has a blind spot too! They were the first addition I made to "Mater" when she arrived on July 11. You can also buy them at any Kmart or Walmart - in the automotive section.
If you have one of those round blind spot mirrors, on the drivers side, should you place it on the lower right corner of the mirror or does it matter what corner of the mirror you put it at?
I put mine on the lower left corner on the driver's side and on the lower right side on the passenger side mirror. But that's my preference - you might like it the other side.
I have found that following the directions on the linked web page eliminates the need. I started adjusting them this way several years ago and have done it this way on a number of vehicles. It really lets you see what is behind you, as well as beside you. If it is adjusted correctly, you can see a car in your rearview mirror. As they move to the left or right to pass, you will see them in the side view mirror. Before you lose site of them in the side-view mirror, you will see them in your peripheral vision. It works like a charm. How to adjust your mirrors | The Web Page of Kristopher Linquist Bill
I know an accessory that costs just $0. It's called adjusting your side view mirrors properly. Adjust them outwards until you no longer see the sides of the car and this should eliminate most of the blind spots. You don't need to see your own face or the side of the car in the mirrors.
do what you want. there is no doubt that properly adjusted mirrors will help. they dont help backing up into a parkingspot, though. what is really nice and something i have is properly adjusted mirrors AND the convex mirror. ilike it better. be comfortable in your choice. no matter how well you adjust your mirrors you cannot cover all areas in my opinion. but thats just me. i feel more comfortable with my set up.
COMPLETELY agree. There is NO WAY the three mirrors can cover the entire rear and rear-sides view, especially in a vehicle as the Prius with its limited window glass 3/4 back. I have tried all mirror-positioning possibilities including the one suggested here. But the only one I'm personally comfortable with is using the convex blind spot mirrors as shown in the two pictures in my earlier post. I keep the left side mirror positioned just off of showing the left side of the car and the blindspot mirror covers everything between the car side and where the side mirror image picks up. The right sideview mirror is manufactured as convex, thus the "objects in mirror are closer than they appear" warning on the mirror. In traffic I constantly sweep the mirrors in case I need to make a defensive maneuver. But I always turn my head to physically double check when turning or changing lanes. As they say - "whatever floats your boat". Just so yours stay afloat and don't bash into somebody else...
Only problem with the round ones - they reflect the image all around rather than primarily the blind spot. The round ones seem to be OK with larger side mirrors, as trucks, and if it's placed on the far outside edge. I preferred the mirror to be closer for the glance. Bottom line, whatever works the best for you.
From an aesthetic perspective, I am a little troubled about the black plastic surround on your convex wing mirrors. I am going to try and find convex mirrors with no surround that sit flush against each wing mirror. I am hoping to achieve a mirror bulge - you know, the add on emerging naturally from the factory installed mirror. Just a thought, but why spoil such a beautiful car.
yes just about inch and a half if i remember right. i also like the idea that it sees all around instead of just the blind spot. i can monitor more traffic that way. i dont really care what it looks like , although i think it looks more business like there for a reason.