you read it right. after what feels like forever, i finally finished my phd today. i slept 3 hours last night (and the night before... and the night before...) and have been going since about 5:30 this morning. i'm exhausted, but apparently still not ready to go to sleep.
Woo-hoo!!!:rockon: Congratulations! I know you and DH have been working long and hard for it. I can only try to imagine the burden that's off your shoulders. Next time you're through my area, stop off and I'll buy you a libation (or four) of your choice. So what's next in store for you?
Yay!! :cheer2: Well done, galaxee. It's been a tough road. Finally you can stop for a rest. I hope. Well, except for moving.
Way cool! That's been a sort of under-thread to Priuschat for lo these many years, and it's gonna feel weird without the ongoing "galaxee continually striving for academic excellence" theme playing in the background... . _H*
lol, thanks guys! you know, i didn't even think about how this extinguishes one of the many story lines going on here at the forums. where i'm headed next it will be a lot of hard work, but never again like the mess they call grad school. i'm really just relieved to be finished.
Good for you. Every thesis has an acknowledgements section, I wonder what's in yours? What would the next step be? after recovering from the heavy drinking I mean.
Congrats!!! Hope there is some serious partying in you and DH's near future. :rockon::cheer2::bounce::drum::clap2:
Congrats doc! I have a self-proclaimed PhD title also. I studied HSD and graduated with honor. On a serious note, I only have a BS in Computer Science. You really inspire me to go back to school for Masters or even PhD.
i don't know what secret handshake you're talking about, sam acknowledgements... we have a dedication page, and i dedicated it to DH. poor guy put up with me while i was writing the thing, that's a big deal. next up is a postdoc. not exactly the big bucks, but hopefully enough to cover the student loan repayment anyway thanks again, everyone. i'm starting to recover toward normalcy again. or, at least, as normal as things are gonna get!