Did a search before starting this new thread. Just got my Prius III with Nav. I'm having problems transferring my phonebook in my Motorola Razr to the Nav system. I get to the screen where it tells me that it is transferring data but it also tells me to operate the phone. Manual doesn't exactly explain what operate the phone means. Anyway, I tried using the phone by calling someone and the screen never changes. I actually think the Nav system actually breaks the bluetooth connection. Anyway, looking for help. Thanks in advance.
Just did this in mine. With my phone (different phone, same NAV), "operate phone" meant to go into the phone's bluetooth menu and command the phone to transmit the phonebook. In my case, I had to do it one entry at a time. After I made the phone send, the car said received and asked me if I wanted to do another. I would touch the Nav to do another, then use the phone to do another send. Basically, "operate phone" means the car cannot command the phone to do the thing and that all it can do is sit there and wait until you tell the phone what to do.
not all phones can transfer all the contacts at once. My Chocolate can't do that but the system tries anyway and just hangs. Go here and enter your phone model. Good luck. Toyota Bluetooth Phone
Thanks for the quick response to my problem. One phone number at a time huh? Sounds kind of painful. I'll give it a try in a bit and will let you know if t worked. BTW, how did you know what it meant when it ask for you to operate the phone? Thanks again.
You're welcome. And yeah, it was a pain. I think it did do two together one time, but I couldn't make it do groups again. So maybe there's a way and I just couldn't find the right button sequence. Or maybe some phones can do them all at once and mine can't (older phone). That I don't know. How did I know what the NAV meant? Just got lucky, honestly... I picked up the phone, noticed the bluetooth section under settings, and just wandered into it. Sheer luck.
Well...no such luck on this end. Got to the point asking me to operate and could not find on the phone to make a transfer. But there is something weird that I noticed and I mentioned this before. When on the Nav system I select to transfer the phine book, the Nav system does seem to be breaking the Bluetooth connection. Have you notice that? Now I have another problem. Now I can't seem to make calls. While Bluetooth connected, all the buttons are 'greyed' out as if the phone doesn't exist. But the signal strength and the connection icons on the top of the screen show the phone is connected. Oh well, need to read more or Google for more information.
I did it last night with my Sprint razr, and it wasn't easy. Luckily, I have Motorola Phone tools, and pushed all my contacts to Outlook. I used a variation of this method - http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-ii-...-addressbook-data-transfer-via-bluetooth.html I created a new folder on my laptop (which has Bluetooth) to hold some files I will create from Outlook. In Outlook, open the contacts, and scroll through each contact to see if you want to create a .vcf file for that person (some are just email addresses, some just phone numbers in my contacts lists). If you do, select file>Save As> Export vCard , and save it to the folder. When you are done, open the first .vcf file from the folder you created in notepad and save as Prius.vcf. Open another blank notepad, and open each new .vcf file you created from Outlook, and copy the content, and append Prius.vcf with the new info (paste at the end). It should look something like this: BEGIN:VCARD VERSION:2.1 N:;411 FN:411 NICKNAME:411 TEL;HOME;VOICE:8003733411 REV:20071030T172106Z END:VCARD BEGIN:VCARD VERSION:2.1 N:411;Google FN:Google 411 NICKNAME:Google 411 TEL;HOME;VOICE:8004664411 REV:20071030T172446Z END:VCARD BEGIN:VCARD VERSION:2.1 N:;Voicemail FN:Voicemail NICKNAME:Voicemail TEL;CELL;VOICE:*86 REV:20071030T172714Z END:VCARD Take both the phone and laptop to the car. Connect the phone tothe car, and connect the laptop as a streaming audio source (it took me a while to figure out how to connect the laptop to the car, on a whim, I tried as a streaming music source). In the Nav, go to add the contact as you had previously, when it says operate phone, use Vista's Start>Accessories>Bluetooth transfer wizard (or something very close to that), to send the Prius.vcf file you created. You are only sending one file, but all the contacts will be there. It worked so well, I deleted the contacts and did it a second time-just for fun.
WOW! Thanks for the reply. Amazed that you and the others were able to find this way of doing this. Only thing I'm a bit fuzzy on is the Motorola Phone tools (is this an app on the laptop?) and how to get the phonebook from the phone to the laptop. But it sounds like it is a neat way to do this. Thanks again.
I have a 2nd gen iphone. it loaded all of them so fast that I did it again. Spent 20 minutes deleting the dups.... The itunes must be in the audio. the phone is already paired. Make sure that the connection is from the car to the phone. when you get in the car just press audio and the BT to make sure. hit the play arrow.. done.. OUT of site!
Motorola Phone tools is an app that you can buy, but I found it somewhere, but can't remember where. This gets the phone info to the laptop.
There are many functions in phone, audio and nav that can't be accessed unless the car isn't moving (as described in the owners manual ). Have you tried with the car stopped?
Funny you should bring that up stream. After getting to work, I was going through the manual and I did see the explanation about dialing a phone manually while driving will not work; which was exactly what I was doing (yes I'm guilty). So I'm sure that was it. Now I need to find the other situations (as you mentioned) where I might run into the same problem. But I will say that when I was trying to transfer my phonebook from phone to Nav, I was parked safely in my garage. Thanks for bringing this up as this was exactly why I could not make a call before.
A good work around is to assign speed dials to your most frequently dialed numbers. Voice commands also work (dial by name, for example), but I find there's too many steps involved, so I prefer speed dials for frequently used numbers.
I'm not sure--here's how I do it. If you press the unhook button on the steering wheel once, it brings up the main phone screen. From there you can press the speed dial button on the screen--or press the steering wheel button again, and it will show the call history screen, which you can also select while driving.