My wife got stuck for a bit the other day when the car would not shift into gear after pushing the power button. After several tries of turning the power off and on the ready message lit up and she was off. The car is an 05 with under 3000 miles. I have noticed a few times when pressing the power button that only the center console monitor comes on and not the dash lights. Is there some sequence to selecting the ready mode or the ignition mode? I did notice that the ignotion mode will come on if the drivers door is open. But other times it appears to be random as to which mode it selects. Any trick or is there something wrong with the car.
Hey Dan,make sure your wife pushes on the brake pedal before pushing the Power button. It won't Ready On if you don't. :wink:
This might be a little bit clearer, Foot off brake; 1 push of Power button = Accessary position. Foot off brake; 2 pushes of Power button = Ignition On. Foot on brake pedal; 1 push of Power button at any time(from getting in vehicle,Acc mode or Ig on mode) will put it in Ready mode("Ready")showing over MPH reading. Hope this helps
My wife had same problem the first week we got the car. She called me on the cell ph. and we found she wasn't pressing the b rake. On an other starting note, I just went to move the car so I could plow snow and when I backed up, then went to pull ahead I gay bells and red triangle saying I was in neutral, even tho I was moving ahaed. Hmmm what the heck-- powered down and up multiple times, same thing-- reverse no triangle, forward bells and triangle-- oh boy I thought here we go. tow time to dealer. Then I realized my coat was jammed in door and door ajar light was on-- removed coat from door, closed door and all was well. So I tried it again to see if this was cause-- lightly closed door so ajar light was on, Started car, and when in reverse, (w/motor running to start the warm up) car reveresed no prob, but each time I put in D ,bells and red triangle, and MFD warnings came on, put in P they go off. So I guess that this a warning beyond the door ajar light that you are attempting to drive away with driver door ajar. Any one else have this situation??? PS have had the car for 3 mo. and it still amazes me, and I love pawing over this site to learn more from all the "old timers" here, thanks one and all
Sorry for not using spell check--- third line of my post should have read "pulled ahead and GOT bells and red triangle"-- thanks
I have not been caught out with the old foot on the brake pedal trick - my last car was an Audi and that was the only way to put it in drive, so I am used to it. But I checked out your post and the warning messages, same here. Door open, in drive - warning messages including one on the MFD. Interestingly, if you have the door open and put it into reverse - no warning. I guess some folks back up with the door open and their head out - who knows (??!!)
People just need to be a little more deliberate in stepping on the brake pedal, holding down the Power button for longer than a nanosecond, AND waiting for the Ready light to fully illuminate prior to shifting into drive or reverse. To do otherwise can lead to the aforementioned computer hang.
Hello, Just got a 2010 last night. Is there away to go from OFF to Accessary position to OFF again? When I tried, I went OFF, ACC MODE, ON, and then Off. Must be a better way. Thank you. Peter