so my OEM's are on there last leg and i am looking for replacements.below is the list i narrowed down to, any input is much appreciated. I did do some searches on the forum but figured i would ask anyway. Prices are on the rim out the door and the standard size (185/65/15). i drive mostly highway. Yokohama Avid T4: $95 Pirelli P4 four seasons: $95(on sale), these get great reviews on tire rack, But the guy at the shop suggested against them due to them being a heavy tire and that would effect my mpg. dont know if i completely buy that reasoning. Goodyear Assurance fuel max: $112 , This being a newer tire i cant find a lot of reviews on it. I would like to stay around the $100 a tire mark.
There are hundreds of posts here about different tires. Many people have also found surveys from Tire Rack and Consumer Reports to be helpful. Going one size up (to 195/60) will give you much better handling and a wider choice of tires, without making a huge difference in mileage. There's always a tradeoff - you have to decide what your priorities are.
For the third time today (doesn't anyone search for anything?) Nokian WR G2 (maybe it's G3) No fuel mileage hit, and the best all season tire out there, especially if you live anywhere it ever snows! Icarus
Like i have said before, this is the list i narrowed it down to. I am familiar with that tire, but it obviously did not make it due to my preferences. thank you for your input. As for going up in size, i cant really say i had any issues with handling on my old crappy OEM's. But i will take a look and see if it brings any new tires to the table. to elaborate: i would prefer not to buy online(i live 5 minutes from like 5 tire shops), we don't get a ton of snow and if we do the prius is not the first choice to take out, i am looking for something around $100 on the rim
FYI, the Assurance Fuel Max in the OEM 185/65R15 size is $75 each at TireRack. Figure about $40 total for shipping, plus $60 total for installation, and it works out to a total of $400 ($100 each) installed. I too would recommend getting the wider 195/60R15 size, if only because the braking distances of the Standard Prius with the OEM 185/65R15 Integrities are considerably below average -- only in the 11th percentile of the over 100 current model sedans tested by Consumer Reports.
The fuel max is still a fairly new tire with not a lot of feedback on tire rack. I would be afraid they just took a tire and slapped fuel max on it to get people to buy it now that people are on the gas savings rave.
Since you were happy with your OEM tires, your tire needs are very modest. Any tire you buy will be quieter, handle better, and last longer than the OEM tires, so for you it really comes down to an issue of price and rolling resistance. Focus on those factors. Tom
it would be nice if every tire had measured rolling resistance data, but we don't seem to be there yet. The pirelli is said to use silica in there tire tread compound, but who knows how low there actual rolling resistance is.
I always think of pirelli being sticky performance tires, not good mileage tires. Perhaps that is an outdated view. Tom
I think you missed what i was getting at. Just because Goodyear tells you this will yield you more mpg, doesn't mean it will. If there was data backing it up then i would consider them, but to my knowledge there is none. the proof is in the pudding. and since these are new, there is not a lot of pudding. looking on Goodyear site they say they used a new compound (probably includes silica like the new pirelli's) to get better fuel savings.
I'd trust Goodyear on that score too. What I wouldn't necessarily trust is any "proof in the pudding" review of a PriusChatter (including my reviews). It's not as if any of us put all of the mentioned tires through the same rigorous road test protocol. At best, our review of any individual tire is a seat of the pants anecdote. But that could be useful too.
i was referring to like tire rack's test data, or something from consumer report. but even opinions from you or others is more valuable (IMHO) then claims from Goodyear. The only data i get from Goodyear is as compared to the standard Goodyear Assurance tire tested on P195/65R15 size — 2008 Honda Civic i should gain ~4% fuel economy improvement.
Yes, and the claimed 4% improvement over the regular Assurance is for highway speeds. And I'm guessing that the Integrity had a lower rolling resistance than the regular Assurance, so the claimed 4% improvement should be even less. I too wish there was mandatory uniform testing and revealing of rolling resistance info.
I got stock size Cooper CS4 Touring on Sunday. MPG cant go higher than an average of 42. With the Integrities I was getting 47 driving the same way. I have them at 40/38 but they still look almost flat. Max is 44.
well i picked up the pirelli's on the way home from work today. i will post with some results later. the drive home felt nice. On a side note i learned about the rear alignment issues today. He told me that the rear was off a little but he felt that the it would not effect the handling or the tire wear, but its something to keep and eye on. I have to go back tomorrow to get the print out because i forgot it there. he said he couldn't fix it there because they did not have the shim kit, but a dealer would be able to if the problem worsens (he said the dealer would charge me a lot in man hours). I did some searching and thought that dealers would not shim, maybe things changed? i hope its not to bad and still in spec.
so its been a little over a week and a couple hundred miles and so far i am very pleased with the pirelli p4 4 seasons. So far i am avg 47mpg(down from 50 ) which is to be expected. I am also still running at stock tire pressure. In the next couple weeks i may bump it up a couple. The only bad thing i could say is road noise may have gotten a little worse, but its not like i had db ratings with the old tires, so i cant say for sure. Everything else is a definite improvement.
I've had my Fuel Max tires for a few months now. I got them mainly because I realized that I didn't have any major handling complains with the Integrities after 40K. Now that I have the Fuel Max tires, I would say that I do feel a positive change in the way the car handles. I haven't been through a winter with them yet, but since I survived multiple winters with the Integrites, I expect that I will be happy with the Fuel Max. My Fuel economy did improve moderately, so overall I'm happy.