Couldnt find the link to the file that has the voice commands on them - What do most people use the voice commands for ?
I use "Pause Guidance" to suspend the turn-by-turn guidance, and sometimes gas station or fast food to show icons for those points of interest (POIs.)
i'm using it for less and less - seems more of an effort in frustration than pressing a button or two
Curious, Gary - Is the frustration with the voice command engine not understanding what you're saying - or that you have a hard time remembering what commands are available ? I have a Garmin Nuvi 880 - and for a long time after I got it - I'd press the button to give it a voice command - and the go blank on what was available to say - and end up laughing at myself while it beeped in consternation. I'm better at it now that it has trained me.
hi - i've printed the commands from one of the forums here (actually, 2 different sheets) - they are not that hard to remember, but they seemed (to me) to have more icon control on the gps than anything else. i do not have a major need to show or hide japanese restaurants, etc. icon-wise - but there's something like 30 commands to do so. i've had good luck with temperature - but with the up and down buttons on the wheel, there's no need to fool with the control. also, if i recall correctly, you lose the radio for the few seconds while you're engaged in voice command (not sure, definitly in my old non prius car) frustrations continue - in that the commands are screen sensitive - in my acura i could say climate control on regardless of the screen - with the prius, for the most part, if i want to enter a navigation command, i had better not be in the phone screen or i'll get errors. even articulating clearly, entering phone numbers by voice is a disater - i usually end up reaching for my blackberry with it's minute buttons and type. i do intend to increase the microphone gain - there was a post of how to do it, so maybe bringing it from a 1 to a 2 (or whatever the numbers are) will help - otherwise, i have my phone use quick-dial (where you press the phone icon on the wheel, and then just punch one of the 6 names displayed - far less frustrating. your mileage may vary - maybe i'm missing something - thanks!
I agree with Gary. With the usual functions a button or two pushes away, why bother with the Voice Command. I find the Prius better and understanding me than previous Toyota's, but it's still easier to just do it with a button push or two. With earlier Toyota Voice Command systems, I found that the system had a hard time recognizing commands with my deep voice. Switched to a falsetto when using it and got a better hit rate.