Issue is, will fleet drivers will drive them! My dad - who came with me to MIRA and who used to be a fleet engineer - said 2 things about the Fleet issue. Firstly he thought the cost was high - even for a T3 - for alot of fleet buyers. And then that alot of fleet users would want a cheap BMW because of the snob appeal. Also alot of fleet drivers thrash their cars, so they wont get much benefit from a Prius. I'm sure at 90mph up the M1 there is little advantage over a small BMW diesal if at all. The new sharper shape, 17" wheels and good magazine reviews will help enormously with this. Street cred is important. I think my car will probably be ready mid to late August, but I will wait for the '59' plate. Wanting leather and front parking sensors has been the extra complication for me.
The Prices on my company scheme are like this. The Prius T Spirit with metallic and enough gadgets to keep a certain inspector from a kids cartoon happy is £283.88 a month The cheapest BMW is a 116d 3 Door Sport Hatch 2.0. Now that comes with wheels and an engine for £303.93 a month Now if I add a few of the standard features to the 1 series that you get with the T Sprit... Rear parking sensors (substitute for the reversing camera) Fog lights Climate control Cruise control Bluetooth CD changer And it then bumps the price up to £384.48 Over £100 difference for a small percentage of the T Spirit spec. Yet you are right there will and have been some plonkers gone for the BMW badge. I can see it being popular with people that can see beyond a badge. I can only speak for the scheme I use, but it is a no brainer. I have never had a Toyota and never thought I would be getting a Prius but after trawling through all the different options available it was the best car for me. Also it does look great. Heads will turn for this car I am sure of that. More so than for a very common, bland BMW.
I think the tax will swing it for a lot of people. I'm going to pay he best part of £50 per month less in tax than I would have done with one of the most economical Golfs. The relatively massive spec is a bonus - not sure I would have run to the reversing camera or park assiston the Golf.
Glad to see you went to the event on Saturday. Which team were you in? I was very lucky and got let off the site with a car because I was filming The team at Toyota GB were great! Sadly though I didn't like the Gen III as much as the Gen II. Ride was improved as was fuel economy, but the interior just left me shuddering. As my partner put it "It looks as if a crack addict has designed this"... Nikki Drives... The 2010 Toyota Prius Anyway. Good to see they're coming to Bristol. Maybe I should get over to the docks and get my long lenses out! Nikki.
Little bit off topic, but I ordered a boot liner from Toyota for my new Prius last week, expecting it to arrive after my car delivery in a week or two. It arrived today! At least the parts are available now LOL
I've just been sent a link to what looks like the full UK brochure. I hope its ok to post this link here: All the accessories are listed. Only 1 leather colour. Light grey cloth interior only available with blue for some reason... Also detailed are DAB Radio and iPod kits.
I didn't realise it was a race.... This new link is actually better than the material given to us at MIRA, which was a Euro brochure with a bit for the UK tacked on the end. Nice CD with Hi-Res pics though. Looks like they've just finished it and sent it to the printers to be in dealers for 1st August (it's dated July 2009 on the last page). Some of the pics still show cars with LED lights mind you!
I was in the final group at 5pm. I think your comments about the interior are interesting. You've clearly gotten used to the current model and so find it difficult to adjust to what Toyota have done, which is essentially to make the car more mainstream and conventional. I can totally understand that. Very few cars now don't have a centre console. And the Prius was certainly more roomy in this regard to my father's Jag which we travelled to MIRA in. One thing I would say though, a T3 or T4 without the Nav would certainly have less buttons I would imagine.
Oops Sorry ! My competitive streak reared it's head then, just playing with you P.S. Thanks for MIRA pack - it arrived today - I owe you big time :wub:
Just had a call saying my T-Spirit in Novus Grey is being diverted from a dealer in the Norwich area. Apparently the current purchaser said he did not mind waiting an extra few weeks!!! Snigger!! I have not had any indication. Dealing through a leasing company narrows down the info I get. Would be nice to get a slither of hope.
Still looks like mine's going to be September, but at least I've been promised the demo next weekend. I sat in it today and it felt a bit like the starship enterprise after my A Class. I can see why the boot liner is a popular option - the load area is very light. I think I'm going to go for the protection pack if it doesn't put back delivery too far.
First UK cars have gone to customers this week, with more following next week. First leather cars will be the week after when I'll hopefully get mine. Would be nice to see some pics of UK cars. I saw a lovely silver T-Spirit a few days ago at a dealer but the pics I took on my Blackberry turned out terribly. That car was due to have been picked up yesterday.
Just got confirmation. Being delivered on the 4th of August. Not long now!!! I would not appreciate it right now as I have swine flu. Would be rubbish having it sat on the drive and not being allowed out to play.
I understand from Tone UK's website he is a photographer and he gets his car on the 1st of August. I am sure between playing with his new toy and reading the manual he will take a few snaps. I am a photographer myself but don’t get mine until the 4th.