Folks, I don't really have my moderator hat on here, more or less just a frequent board user hat and I have a request. If you registered with the quick register just b/c you weren't sure if you'd stay on the board or not, but then never went back to fill out your profile more completely, And now you find that you post with some regularity; please go click on the "Profile" button at the top of the page and fill out the full profile, or at least as much as you're comfortable with. In particular, I like to see the location that everyone is from under the Avatar--I think it really adds a sense of perspective, esp. when discussing mileage and such. A good signature (doesn't have to be as elaborate as mine) which shows a little personality is nice too. This isn't a demand, you're not going to be banned if you don't do it, and I won't think less of you if you don't, but I think it really adds to the sense of community. The group now has over 1300 members, little in-fighting, and lots of solid discussion and these little nuances are what help keep that sense of community. Thanks for listening.
I agree -- it really is nice to have a home city attached to a name. Particularly as so many of the topics (waiting for a Prius, temperature/weather-related subjects) are related to your location
:stupid: I mean.... :iagree Crap, sorry about those mistaken emoticons, Evan. Button must've gotten screwed up or something. 8)
Yes, the geography is interesting to know... so I added my 'city' (such as it is), and callsign, and the car I hope to get. I'm starting to see these cars up in our area - I saw at least different 04 models last weekend (one was the controversial green, and one silver) - both with paper plates and out in the sticks on the sort of roads that are fun to drive on. There are quite a few of these out where I live. There's a light green "classic" prius I often see on my commute home. Thanks for running the forum. It's been instructive and fun. Still no 'avatar' (sounds like it should be some sort of bird) but I'll keep my eyes open for something. I'll probably mostly be a lurker, but will try to pipe up if I think of anything helpful. :roll: None of the stuff I added to the profile shows up in the 'preview', but we'll see if it shows up in the actual post. Editing to add .sig.
bparrish, Shows up fine, thanks for adding it in there. BTW, there is a nice selection of avatars you can use....go to the bottom of the profile page, there's a button there labeled 'gallery', you can choose and use any of those cool avatars to suit your personality. glad to have you, lurk or post at will.
I normally enter basic info, though I don't have much in the way of contact information b/c I just don't use IRC et al. Things have changed quite a bit in the last couple months, much nicer (and mostly Mozilla-friendly). Thanks, --TSK
Already done that when I registered, but I think it's a good thing to do. It's nice to see where people come from.
Amazing, when you read thru the miles of member lists. Soooo many many Zero posts. with all the bandwidth used, just think what would happen if even half of 'em were on line, clicking away at the same time.
Oh come on Evan, ban em if they don't comply, a little bloodshed can be entertaining. Good post mate. Bet you can't guess where I'm from? Hey, can I put my member hat on and ask something else? How about full state names because non USA residents don't always know the 2 letter codes. It's one of my pet hates and something that makes Americans look a little arrogant. You only have to type it once and I'm sure you know how to spell it. Without using Google (or other search engines) who can tell me what states these are? NT WA NSW SA VIC TAS QLD Oh it isn't like I have any other hats, is it?