Hi all, The Prius went to the dealer yesterday (Fri). They cleaned the plastic better than what it was but only slightly, still blurry. I called them this morning (my wife brought the car in yesterday, and they told her to see if it is still blurry (foggy, hazy, etc.). They said they compared it to what they had in stock and they were all the same. They looked up for a service bulletin (found nothing), and said they are waiting for Toyota, I think that may mean, waiting for Toyota to (if at all, unless they get enough complaints) supply a service bulletin on it. So I told them I was going to call the 800 number and see if I can get faster results (hopefully better than what they told me)! So you all need to start to do something on this, this is not something anyone should live with, it will get worse (especially when there are scratches on the plastic)!!!!! I do not know if they are even going to care if I am the only one complaining, most likely they will do nothing since everyone else can live with it! So please start your process. Step 1. Bring your car in so they can look at it. Step 2. Call 1-800-331-4331, press 5 and open up a case on this (you could just open the case first) open Monday - Saturday !!!!!!!!PLEASE CALL AT LEAST!!!!!!! Keep us up to date Thank You, This is 2010 not 1970's, 1980's, or 1990's this should have never happened in the first place (for today's technology, and the price we pay), we are in a high definition era not a blurry one.
I'm wondering if anyone can compare the placement of the screen. Mine is blurry and looks like it's set in further than it should be. Maybe if the screen cover was installed backwards it will sit differently. Note the depth of the screen compared to the buttons.
I think we all see versions of blurry in every screen, but I have a bit of a theory. I believe the covering of the radio section is glass, where-as the covering over the temperature is plastic. This alone will make the two screens look different. (and the radio screen look sharper) I also think that the screens that look the most blurry, are the temp screens that do not have Plasmacluster, which would lead me to believe that they used a different plastic on those. Some of the photos are blurry because they aren't in focus...so I was just trying to extrapolate from there. Do you think my theory holds true?
I noticed mine was blurry as well even before I took delivery--quite annoying. It was also scratched, and I had the dealer agree to a replacement due to the scratches from their delivery prep folks. I might wait a bit on this, however, to see if Toyota issues a TSB or similar for this problem. If there are clean acrylic screens out there in some 2010s, then either the part changed for some reason or Toyota experienced a supplier quality problem that was not noticed before installation.
I have Plasmacluster and the temp screen is pretty much unreadable. I'm not sure it is the anti-glare finish of the plastic as much as it is a function of the kind of LCD screen used.
Agreed, the material looks almost exactly like the panels used on gas pumps--which are opaque with the right polarized sunglass angle. I'm becoming used to mine (Plasmacluster), having noticed that the image is much better some days, depending on sun angle more than overall brightness. If anyone is an expert on polarized lenses, it would be good to hear a theory.
Please people please call in, the case rep contacted me today and said nothing would be done if not enough people call in to complain!!!!! You all need to call and start a case # on this, I do agree that sometimes it seems (stress seems) OK at times but this is not Toyota standards (at least I would hope not)! Nothing will get done unless we all complain!!! Thanks to all And good luck! Yes it does seem to be pushed in (back) and that is what I think happened in the first place. Mine is Plasmacluster and is blurry. (as seen in my pictures)
I stopped and talked to service dept at my dealer today and manager said i was first to complain. Who do we call and what is the number?
OK I called Toyota about the problem yesterday and the lady took all my info. Today Toyota office called (Paul) and talked to me about the problem. Wouldn't say if they have had more complaints but that he would call my service manager and go from there. No idea what will happen now.
!!!!!!Please people Call!!!! Nothing will get done until we all call and complain, (if you don't then we all are going to be stuck with a blurry display). I can't believe they are still using this type of old, outdated, and crappy display for the radio and AC. I don't know about the rest of you but the person or person's who approved and designed it should be fired! The ones in the camry should have been used (very clear and readable). Please post if you call, and post your results! Thank You
Just got my 2010 Prius III and immediately noticed the difference between the two LCD screens. Driving to work in polarized sunglasses I realized the issue is not with the underlying LCD but with the lens over the top. The AC screen has a polarized lens but the audio system screen does not. Who knows why they did this, but that's the reason. I expect the two LCD screens have almost identical specs. I'll be interested to see whether Toyota responds to user complaints. Either way, it's my experience that no matter how annoying and avoidable this may seem, complicated products always have some little gotcha like this. I'll be delighted to get a warranty replacement for the screen, but it's still a great car!
I just opened a case with Toyota. They suggested I see the dealer so they can look at it but they opened a case none the less. She wondered out loud if it was a burnt out bulb and I told her no, it is blurry in the middle of the day with plenty of ambient light.
I noticed this on delivery two weeks ago. It almost looked as if there was some condensation inside or something. Figured there was probably some film to pull off. Nope, it's blurry.
Bummer i just got a call from Toyota (Paul) in reference to my complaint and he said at this time they don't see a problem with it We need lots more calls to Toyota.