Hello, I need to put my EZ Pass on my car. What are those black "dots" on the windshield behind the rear view mirror? do they serve any purpose? can I put the EZ Pass there? Brad
The black dots are just sun screening. You can place your pass there as I assume the EZ Pass is RFID technology. I have the TX version (toll tag) and that is where I placed mine with no problem.
Hi claridiva, Would you happen to know what might happen if you have to remove that super Velcro backing? Can the black dots pattern be damaged?
If your talking the little white plastic box type ezpass like we use in NYC and PA turnpike and Chicago ect, we just throw it on the dash of what ever vehicle we are driving. Rightside, leftside, or behind WV inspection sticker no problem.
Tom, I had no issue with removing them from a previous car as the little black dots are on there much more securely than the glue product on the velcro backing. If anything, you will have some residue from the backing, which can easily be removed with some goo gone or similar product.
I was asking myself the same thing when I got my new Prius. But I didn't want to put the velcro on the windshield. I was looking around online, and stumbled across this on Amazon: E-Z Toll - http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000LP8F60/ref=ox_ya_oh_product It's a very simple strap that you place around your rear view mirror and voila. Instant placement. It may seem a little odd at first when you put it on (since it's not directly on the windshield) but after a day or two you don't even notice it. Even better, when you know you aren't going ot use it, you can just put it in the overhead glovebox and presto! I've used it for about three weeks now, and I'm constantly going through tolls (GW Bridge, Battery Tunnel, Outerbridge & Verrezanno Bridges) and I have never had a problem with the EZPass not being read. Plus, it's nice that it's black so it kind of conceals the fact that you have an EZPass in your car. There's a video I believe on some website that demonstrates it more. But trust me, for the few bucks I spent on it (shipping from that guy in Florida on Amazon took 3 days) I couldn't be happier.
Thanks. Good to know, because the suction cups on the plastic tag holders that JamesBurke talks about above will not stick to those black dots (the black dots are raised, which stop a suction cup grip from forming).
Dan, You might want to get the NY/NJ Port Authority Green Pass and the NY Thruway Green Pass. You get a much cooler looking green colored transponder/tag with big off-peak discounts on NY/NJ Port Authority bridge and tunnel crossings and greater than normal discounts on the NY Thruway. See these threads: http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-ii-...en-pass-question-please-help-me-sort-out.html http://priuschat.com/forums/nj-new-jersey/42897-port-authority-green-pass-program.html And if you travel on the Long Island Expressway, you might also want to get those Clean Pass stickers which allow your Prius to be in the LIE's HOV lane even though you have no passengers.
Hey Boo, Thanks for the info. Yeah, I was looking through those posts before and actually called up about acquiring an EZ-Pass. Turns out that I'm not eligible to get it with my existing account, because I'm with using an MTA EZPass, and not the Port Authority one. I'd have to close down my account now to get a new one, but I currently get a huge discount for crossing the Outerbridge every day ($4 instead of $8) and I'm not sure if that will go along with my new account. I'm trying to find out answers from EZPass, but it seems like I keep getting people who can't help me out. Since I work in Jersey and live in NY, that 50% discount on the Outerbridge outweighs the discount I'd get crossing the GWB 2-3 times a month. Thanks again for the info!
I've got mine directly to the right (while in the car) of where the mount is for the rear view mirror, covering the dots, and up as close to the headliner as possible. Never had a problem... I purposely put it over the dots and up real high as to obscure it from showing easily from the outside... Here's a small thread where some people talk about where they mounted theirs. http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-iii-2010-prius-main-forum/62360-lka-toll-tags.html
Dan, I think you can have your cake and eat it too: Get one cool looking green tag with all the discounts you're entitled to and want -- NY/NJ Port Authority Green Pass, NY Thruway Green Pass, Outerbridge, etc. Another great thing about the Port Authority and Thruway Green Passes is that they're completely free. Probably the easiest thing for you to do is to apply for a new green tag with all the discounts you want, and then when the new tag arrives (and assuming it works right), turn in your old tag and close that old account.
Well if it's that simple then I guess I'm gonna have to go for it. Why the heck the EZ-Pass representatives make it seem harder than it really is is beyond me. Thanks again Tom! Will do right after the weekend!
I mounted mine in the same location as Paradox, and those black dots are called frits, and are there to enable adhesive to bond to the glass when it's installed. Seeing dots on windshields
New York Green Passes Here's the application: http://www.e-zpassny.com/en/about/i_ezapp.pdf Here's a description of all the discount plans available: E-ZPass® New York - Plan Descriptions I think that all you have to do is fill out the application, including Question # 4 where you enter the plan codes and required prepayment amounts (if any -- none is required for the Green Passes) of the discount plans you want. Note also that you have to include a copy of your vehicle registration if you're applying for either of the Green Passes. You might want to call EZ Pass again to confirm the above. * * * * * * Sorry guys for hijacking this thread a little. This will be the last post I make on this thread about the New York Green Passes. :focus:
I think that the best place to mount the EZ Pass is just below the dots on the passenger side. If you do it right, the rear view mirror completely obscures the EZ Pass from the driver's view. Just sit on the driver's side while moving the EZ Pass's position around until you can't see it behind the mirror, but still maintain that good one to two inch separation from the rear view mirror support post. The only drawback is that it might be more front and center from the passenger's point of view. I think that's minor and secondary though.
Interesting, I drove down to MD to pick up my Prius - used the EZ Pass all the way down - as soon as I put it in the Prius it stopped working. I mounted it below the spots just to the left of the rear view mirror's stem. Can't understand why it quit and was planning to exchange it.
Thanks! Anyone in Florida using SunPass tried their transponder in the upper glovebox? Mine is on the windshield suctioned-cupped behind the mirror. I like the idea of the glovebox if it works there. I have the white 2"X3" version.