Longo Toyota in Los Angeles is advertising $500 cash off on any IN STOCK. They had +/- 50 when I checked last week. Carl
We paid MSRP in suburban DC for our II, Barcelona Red. No negotiating, although we did get (wait for it)...... floormats!
Got 1% off MSRP (because they sell every vehicle below MSRP they say) here in Anchorage (AK). So for my II blizzard pearl with floor mats - 22,930. Which I was OK with but then I blew it on my trade in. I was going to sell it on my own later but asked what they would give for it. At the time it seemed reasonable but later I determined I could have got at least a grand more for it.:mmph: The point, always be prepared. Peter
Should have mentioned too that the appearance package (I believe just Pin striping) was included at no charge, as I didn't want it.
Loyalty cash is a Toyota factory rebate/incentive in SoCal and it applies to the purchase of a new Corolla, Camry, and Rav4. It's probably the way the ad's designed or worded to make you think that they are doing a $500 Loyalty rebate on any other model, especially Prius. Dianne
Prius 2010 discounts I have been discounting/helping with shipping costs and plane flight expenses to some on certain cars. As time passes, and more cars arrive for me (us as a store) I have been certainly saving folks a few bucks here and there. Not everyone's at MSRP on every car - I know some are higher by far and some are forcing extras onto their cars to bring up the profit margins... and some are adding a bunch of extras to their cars and then just saying they are discounting their cars when it's really just discounting all of the extra profit off the optional extras most don't want anyway. I try to equip cars very minimally, and also equip cars specific to a client's ordering wishes. And, w/o games or fanfare, am makikng very good deals for folks on their 2010's! That keeps my flow of cars streaming in comfortably... and continually. If you might be seeking a fairly aggressive deal for this particular fresh market on this car, don't hesitate to reach me. My inventory is posted in the "dealers and pricing" forum and is updated daily. Dianne
I didn't pay MSRP on my package IV with sunroof option. I did not order one, (like I did in 2001). This time, I put word out to all the dealerships in the area of what I wanted and told them to call when they had one available. My impression is that they do not actually "order" the car. Instead, you become the first person they call when they get the type of car you want in. And for that, they charge MSRP. When I got the call, the sales guy told me that the price was MSRP. He said that I should take the deal because every dealer is charging MSRP. I said that I could pay MSRP at any of the other nine dealerships (and read the names off my list). So my question to him was that if I could pay MSRP at any of those dealerships, why should I buy from you? Where's the incentive? As it turns out, the incentive was free floormats, free window tint (a $500 value) and $1,500 off sticker (but there was a 500 dealer fee so factor that in. I also did not pay the $750 for the dealer undercoating, glass etching etc, even though it was already done. I also did not pay the $100 for the rear bumper protector even though it was already installed. I did however pay the 775 delivery charge. To top it off, I got half price on the illuminated door sills. Oh, and I bought it on the last day of the month. The sales guy made clear to me that we had to close that night.
Re: Prius 2010 discounts I've told you in PM's but I'll say it again, I've been reading your threads and deals for the past month and if I did not have a trade-in, the wife and I would fly out to Cali and drive our Prius back. I've had to negotiate with 8 SET dealers to find one that is reasonable and I'm driving 2 hours one way to get the exact car I want. I wish some of the SET folks would be as smart as you.
July is not June, but I was really shocked and turned-off minutes ago when my local Prius dealer, Lithia Toyota, here in Springfield, Oregon, told me they now have a $2900 additional markup on their Prius. One month car dealers are crying for business and whining about the recession while the next month they put a nearly 3 thousand dollar premium on, what happens to be, their hot-seller. Such is Capitalism, I guess. The salesman said they had sold 9 Prius and disabled the part of their store software that tells other dealers how many and what models of Prius they have in stock. I may have to take my Cash For Clunkers 97 Explorer somewhere else. P---ed in Oregon, John
I think OR is so busy because WA has a sale and use tax holiday on hybrids (40mpg and over) until 7/31. Its 8.2% to 9.2% depending on where you live. I looked all over OR and WA and ended up in northern ID to find my car because I did not want silver or pearl, and wanted dark gray interior. I wanted blue and guaranteed delivery before 7/31. So I chose ID because it has a recipricol agreement with WA. Dealers in CA told me unless I put it on a flatbed, I had to pay sales tax. That more than offset any $1,000 MSRP savings. Everybody in the from Salem to Seattle was a MSRP but it did not matter since they did not have any SBM or blue, and very little black and red. I ended up paying MSRP with only "gift" being all weather matts and no labor for wheel locks (most dealers here are $25 LOL?). I did save a couple hundred on one other after market add on I wanted. So far, the dealer has been very professional (and patient via phone) so hopefully when I pick it up Saturday, no surprises.
Hi First Post in this forum I going to buy a Prius w/in a week or so. In the greater Phila area, dealers are quoting about MSRP to maybe USD 100 - 200 under MSRP. I was wondering if anbody in S.East PA- Southern NJ area getting better prices and if there is a web site which shows hidden inccentives etc. Also I am new to Toyota so any dealer suggestions/recommendations in terms of sales experience, service department etc most welcome Thanks for taking time to read and answer . . .
We ordered a IV last Friday through Costco program and got -- wait for it -- $250 off MSRP. :cheer2: The beauty of the Costco program is you get some perks besides the lower price. Like parts discounts and free oil changes etc. The other big thing for me is that the process is completely simple and quick with no traditional salesperson interaction. At least my dealer here in Austin was that way. The fleet manager handles the Costco program and he is awesome.
Manhattan Beach is wonderful, if you end up dealing with them. I worked with Dianne and it's all MSRP and no added options if you don't want them
Hey Welshdog! I am an Executive Costco member also and how does the program works? Do you go to the store or call a certain number?? Which dealer in Austin did you go with if you don't mind me asking? Thanks! Sam
I brought my 2010 Prius V w/ATP at MSRP in May 2009. In last Sunday's newspaper, some Toyota dealers in my area are advertising the 2010 Prius $500 below MSRP and one dealer has advertise in the newspaper a $1,100 below MSRP on selective 2010 Prius that are sitting on the lot. No discount on pre-orders 2010 Prius. It depends on availability of the 2010 Prius in your area.